11. a (great/large) number of books
a great deal of water
12. say hi 说话内容
speak English 语言
talk: 1) talk with/to sb. about sth.
2) have a talk
tell 1) tell sb. about sth.
2) tell sb. to do
3) tell a lie, the truth, a story,
4) tell the difference between A and B
13. look at 看
see 看见, 明白
watch: 1) watch birds 观察
2) watch a football game 看在动的东西
Read:1) 读
2) for information a) read the map b) read the website
14. v. open<->close
a. open<->closed
亲密的 close a.
15. each 个体(each of)
every 整体
_______ of the students is here.
A. everyone
B. every one
C. each
[B, C]
àevery one of =each of 其中每一个
16. It is time for sth.
It is time to do …
17. a book of mine
总结:以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家提供的初三英语复习知识点,小编真诚地希望我们每一位教师能实实在在教课程,轻轻松松的学习;每一课都能陪伴同学们度过一段幸福快乐的时光!
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