2010中考英语复习必备 特殊疑问句复习



【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 中考频道为同学们搜集整理了中考英语复习指导:初中英语感叹句巧解:两分钟学会how what用法,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!

2010中考英语复习必备 特殊疑问句复习



1. 对句子的主语提问,其语序是: 疑问词+谓语+其他成分?

She is their teacher.Who is their teacher?

2. 对句子主语的定语提问,其语序是:疑问词+主语+谓语+其他成分?

My book is over there.?Whose book is over there?

3. 对表语、宾语或状语提问,其语序是: 疑问词+一般疑问句?

He lives in Beijing.?Where does he live?

4. 对表语或宾语的定语提问,其语序是: 疑问词+表语或宾语+一般疑问句?

I'm looking for my watch.?Whose watch are you looking for?


1. 问“谁”用who或whom。如:Li Lei is a doctor.?Who is a doctor?

(对主语提问用who,对宾语提问用who, whom均可)

2. 问“谁的”用whose。如: This is his book.?Whose book is this?

3. 问“地点”用where。如: The ball is under the bed.?Where is the ball?

4. 问“原因”用why。如: He didn't come because he was ill.?Why didn't he come?

5. 问“身体状况”用how。如: I'm fine.?How are you?

6. 问“方式”用how。如:He did it in that way.?How did he do it?

7. 问“程度”用“how +被修饰语”。如:The river is five metres wide.?How wide is the river?

8. 问“多少”用how much或how many。如:I have a lot of money.?How much money do you have? He has been to Shanghai three times.?How many times has he been to Shanghai?

9. 问“多久”用how long或how soon。如: He has stayed here for ten days.?How long has he stayed here? He will be back in two hours.?How soon will he be back? (how long指动作或状态发生了多久;how soon指动作或状态还有多久将会发生)

10. 问“动作的发生频率”用how often。如: I watch TV twice every week.?How often do you watch TV every week?

11. 问“哪个”用which或what。如: I like this one among these three.?Which do you like among these three? I like English best.?What do you like best?

12. 问“什么”用what。如:There is a book on the desk.?What's on the desk?

13. 问“职业”用what。如: My father is a teacher.?What's your father?

14. 问“颜色”用what colour 。如: An orange is orange.?What colour is an orange?

15. 问“星期几”用what day。如:Today is Friday.?What day is today?

16. 问“几月几日”用what...date。如: Today is July 1st.?What's the date today?

17. 问“时间”用when或what time。如: I go there in the morning.? When do you go there? It is four o'clock.?What time is it? (when既可对点时间提问,也可对年、月、日等时间提问;what time通常只对点时间提问)



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