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Part One Choose the right picture according to what you hear.
No.1.W: Where are you going to travel after the final exam?
M: I’m going to Beijing and visit the Great Wall. What about you?
W: I’m going to New York.
M: Have a good time.
Q: Where does the man want to go?
No.2.W: What a sunny day today!
M: So it is. But the radio says it will be rainy tomorrow.
W: Oh, my God. I’m going shopping.
M: You can take an umbrella.
Q: What will the weather be like tomorrow?
No.3.W: How do you usually go to school, Tom?
M: By bus. Do you go to school by bus, too?
W: No, my house isn’t far from school. So I usually walk there.
M: Well. Walking is good for our health.
Q: How does Tom go to school?
No.4. W: I don’t know what to buy, can you give me some help?
M: What about this skirt? It looks nice.
W: And I like the color.
M: You’d better try it on.
Q: What does the man want the woman to buy?
No.5. W: What kind of animals do you like best?
M: Lions. I think they are very strong.
W: Monkeys are my favorite. I think they are cute.
M: Now let’s go and see our favorite animals.
Q: What kind of animals does the man like?
Part Two Match the best choice from A to G according to what you hear.
W: Hello, Jim. Where are you going?
M: Oh, Mary. I’m going to the cinema. What about going with me?
W: No, thanks. I’m going home. My mother is waiting for me.
M: What a pity! I believe it’s a very good film.
W: Do you go to the cinema a lot at night?
M: Once a week. Most nights I usually do my homework at home and sometimes I watch TV.
What about you?
W: I usually do my homework and sometimes I read newspapers. But this evening I will watch an excellent TV play.
M: An excellent TV play? What is it?
W: Home with Kids.
M: Oh! That’s a shame! I’m afraid I’ll miss it.
Part Three Choose the right answer according to what you hear.
Jack lives in a small town in England. He always stayed in his own country for holidays. But last year he thought, “I’ve never been outside my country. All my best friends have been to Russia, and they all said it was nice. I’m going there this year.”
So he went to Russia and stayed there for a few days. One day, he went out for a walk. In England, people drive on the left, but in Russia they drive on the right. Jack forgot about this. While he was crossing a busy street, a car almost knocked him down. Jack stood there for a few seconds, full of fear. Then he came to himself and said. “Where am I?” An old man selling maps ran to Jack at once and said, “Maps of the city, sir.”
Part Four Complete the note according to what you hear.
One Wednesday afternoon, Tom and Kate were going home from school. They were talking and laughing happily. There were many cars and trucks coming and going on the street. They were walking along the street. Suddenly a car was coming towards them from the street corner. The car nearly hit them. Kate was so frightened that she couldn’t move at all. When Tom saw what would happen, he quickly pushed Kate away with his hand. Kate was saved but Tom was badly hurt. He was sent to the hospital as soon as possible. When he knew there was nothing wrong with Kate, he smiled. How kind the boy is!
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