There would be a history exam and Phillip looked more and more worried. He hasn't thought the subject important since they began to study it this term. In class he always thought of the football matches between Class Three and Class Two and tried to find out a way to beat Class Two. Of course he didn't hear what Mr. Beckman said. His friend Sally could help him with his homework and hint[1] how he answered Mr. Beckman. But bad luck! The girl was ill in hospital and nobody would help him next Monday!
Phillip thought hard and at last he found a way. He copied all the main points[2] on his wristbands[3] and then went to play football with his friends. It was Sunday yesterday. Even he didn't open his students' book! He was sure he would pass the exam and went on playing football and watching TV.
But this morning, when the boy was going to dress himself, he couldn't find his shirt. He jumped off the bed and began to look for it everywhere, but he failed. His mother brought his breakfast in and found his bedroom was in a fearful mess[4]. She asked in surprise, "What's the matter, son?"
"I can't find my shirt!"
"You wore it for a week and I washed it when you fell asleep last night."
"Who let you wash it?" Phillip shouted angrily.
Notes:[1]hint/hInt/v. 暗示 [2]point/pInt/n.点 main point 要点 [3]wristband/`rIstbnd/n. 衬衣袖口 [4]in a fearful mess 零乱不堪
1.Phillip is in Class T .
2.Phillip has learned n in history class.
3.Mr Beckman is Phillip's history t .
4.Phillip was afraid he would f the history exam.
5.Phillip l playing football very much.
6.Usually Sally helped Phillip to p the history exams before.
7.Phillip thought everything was r and didn't review history.
8.Phillip's mother washed his shirt when the boy went to s .
9.The woman thought Phillip's shirt d and washed it.
10.Having heard his mother, Phillip was a with her.
1.Three 2.nothing 3.teacher 4.fail 5.likes
6.pass 7.ready 8.sleep 9.dirty 10.angry
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