An artist was coming home by train one day. He hadn’t much money but was very kind. He gave his last few coins(2) to a beggar, but he saw another one, and forgot that he didn’t have any money in his pockets. He asked the man if he liked to have lunch with him, and the beggar, of course, agreed. So they went into a small restaurant and had a good meal.
In the end, the artist could not pay the bill(3), and the beggar had to do so. The artist felt very sorry for it, so he said to the beggar, “Come home with me in a taxi, my friend. And I’ll give you the money for our lunch."
“Oh, no!" the beggar answered quickly. “I had to pay for your lunch, but I’m not going to pay for your taxi home!"
Notes: (1)beggar/`beg/ n.乞丐 (2)coin/kIn/n. 硬币 (3)bill /bIl/n.帐单
1.What kind of man was the artist?
2.What did he do to the first beggar?
3.What did the artist forget when he invited another beggar to have lunch with him?
4.Who paid for the meal?
5.What did the artist want to do at last?
6.Why didn’t the beggar go home with the artist?
1.The artist is a kind man.
2.He gave his last few coins to the first beggar.
3.He forgot that he had no money then.
4.The beggar paid for the bill.
5.He wanted to return the beggar the money when he got home.
6.Because he wouldn’t pay for the taxi.
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