



Iceland lies in the North Atlantic Ocean.. It lies between 63°24′and 66°33′N,

And between 13°30′and 24°2′W and is the second largest island in Europe. It is close to the Arctic Circle, yet in fact, only one of its northerly islands lies inside. The country has a total area of 103,000 square kilometers and a coastline of about 6,600 km. The island is 300 km wide from north to south, and 500 km across from west to east.

From 1262 to 1944 Iceland was ruled first by Norway and then by Denmark. Centuries of foreign rule, and such things as volcanoes(火山)and the weather, made life very difficult at times for the Icelanders: there was lots of hard work and little change. The situation began to improve during the nineteenth century. Then in 1944 Iceland became an independent republic; since that time it has become a quite rich country where the people enjoy having cars, modern houses and lots of electrical equipment. If you look at the kind of products that Iceland exports today----fish, meat and wool for example---it’s easy to see that both the sea and the land are important to Icelanders. This has been true in fact since the time of the first Icelanders--Vikings from Norway who arrived in AD874(公元874年)

Some things in the lives of the Icelanders have changed very little---the Icelandic language, for example, 700 years ago the stories called Sagas were first written down, these can still be read in the old language without much difficulty by Icelandic speakers today.

1. Where is Iceland?

A. In the Arctic Circle. B. Near the Atlantic Ocean.

C. Between Norway and Denmark. D. In Europe.

2. In Iceland, the distance from north to south is ____that from west to east.

A much longer than B shorter than

C. the same as D. a little longer than

3.How many years did Norway and Denmark rule the Iceland?

A. 700 B. 682. C. 388 D. 1070

4. What has hardly changed in Iceland?

A. Exporting products. B. The Icelandic language.

C. House equipment. D. The lives of the Icelanders.

5. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?

A. Iceland has been an independent republic since Vikings began to live there.

B. Iceland is a country of many small islands.

C. Iceland is not the largest island in the world,

D. Iceland is quite a modern country now.

参考答案: BBBBA






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