



One day, Mr White told the class to get ready for a hobby show. All the students had the whole morning to get what they were going to show.

All the students came back on time except Bob, the laziest boy in his classmates’ eyes. It was very difficult to believe that such a boy could have a hobby. But to their surprise, Bob came back with many beautiful stamps in his hand. Mr White was very happy after watching them. However, Bob was going to take them back.

“Bob, you can’t take them back until the others watch them this afternoon,” said Mr White.

“But I’m sorry they are my brother’s,” he answered. “He doesn’t want them to be out of our home for long. He’s afraid that they will be lost.”

“Bob, you should show your own hobby here, not someone else’s” Mr White be-came a bit angry.

But Bob’s following words made him even angrier. “Mr White, it’s true that I have a hobby. My hobby is watching my brother collecting stamps.”

1. All the students ______ the whole morning in ______ready for the hobby show.

2. Bob was so______ that his classmates didn’t ______ he could have a hobby.

3. When Bob ______ to his classroom, he brought many beautiful ______.

4. The things in ______ hand were ______ his but his brother’s.

5. Bob thought he ______ a “hobby”. He liked ______ his brother collecting.



1. spent, getting

2. lazy, think / believe

3. returned, stamps

4.Bob’s, not

5.had, watching。






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