We are already familiar with computers—computers work for us at home, in offices and in factories. But it is also true that many children today are using computers at schools before they can write. What does this mean for the future? Are these children lucky or not?
Many people who do not know about computers think of them as machines that children play with. They worry that children do not learn from experience but just from pressing a button and that this is not good for them. They think that children are growing not knowing about the real world.
But people who understand more about computers say that computers can be very good for children. A computer can help them to learn about the real world more quickly, to learn what they want to learn and think for themselves. And for the future, don’t we need people who can think clearly, who know how to get information quickly and use it well? What do you think?
1. “To be familiar with” means to ______.
A. know nothing B. know about C. dislike D. like
2. Does everyone think computers are good for children?
A. Yes, they do. B. No, not everyone thinks so.
C. They don’t know. D. They are not sure.
3. What can computers help children to do?
A. To think clearly, to do homework and to write. B. To play games, to do math and to copy.
C. To think clearly, to get information and to use it well. D. To count, to clean the house and to get information.
4. Does the writer think computer is a good thing?
A. It isn’t mentioned. B. No, he doesn’t think so. C. He doesn’t know. D. Yes, he does.
1. B 词义猜测题。由破折号后的解释“电脑在家里、办公室、工厂都为我们工作”当然我们就已经“了解”电脑了。
2. B 事实细节题。第2段是说不太了解电脑的人认为电脑对小孩不好,而第3段则说那些懂电脑的人认为电脑对小孩有益,因此,并不是每个人都认为电脑对小孩有益。
3. C 事实细节题。由最后一段,特别是倒数第2个问句可知。
4. D 推理判断题。从最后一段可推断出作者的观点是“计算机是件好东西”。
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