In America, just as in Europe, men usually open doors for women, and women always walk ahead of men into a room or a restaurant, unless(除非) the men have to be ahead of the ladies to choose the table, to open the door of a car or do some other things like the above. On the street, men almost always walk or cross the street on the closer side of the ladies to the traffic. But if a man walks with two ladies, he should walk between them. Then if the host (男主人) or hostess(女主人) or both of them come in a car to get their guest for dinner, the guest should sit at the front seat and leave the back seat though there is no people sitting on it.
1. In America men usually ______.
A. walk ahead of women B. eat in a restaurant C. walk behind women D. drive a car to work
2. In the street men ______.
A. cross the street B. walk on the right side of the ladies
C. walk on the closer side of the ladies to the traffic D. walk near the ladies
3. If a man walks with two ladies, he should ______.
A. walk between them B. run before them C. follow them D. go away
4. If Mrs Green wants you to her house in a car, you should ______.
A. sit beside a guest B. sit at the front seat C. sit at the back seat D. drive the car
1. C 事实细节题。由第1句中women always walk ahead of men可知。
2. C 事实细节题。由第2句On the street, men almost always walk or cross the street on the closer side of the ladies to the traffic可知。
3. A 事实细节题。由第3句But if a man walks with two ladies, he should walk between them可知。
4. B 由最后句中the guest should sit at the front seat可知。
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