



) 14. What kind of books does Li Ming want to borrow?

A. Animal books. B. Sports books. C. Computer books.

) 15. What does Li Ming's uncle do?

A. He is a teacher. B. He is a librarian. C. He is a vet.

) 16. Which bus will take Li Ming to the library?

A. A No 16 bus. B. A No 60 bus. C. A No 10 bus.


) 17. What season are they in now?

A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Winter.

) 18. What are the boy and the girl talking about?

A. The date. B. Tree-Planting Day. C. How to plant trees.

) 19. When and where will the students meet?

A. On West Hill Farm at 7:30 Monday morning.

B. Outside the school gate at 7:30 Monday morning.

C. Outside the school gate at 8:00 Monday morning.

) 20. How will the students get to West Hill Farm?

A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By bus.

III. 听下面一段短文,回答第21-25小题。(每小题1分)

) 21. What does Mike do?

A. He is a doctor. B. He is a driver. C. He is a cleaner.

) 22. How does he usually go home?

A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By bus.

) 23. Where did they decide to have dinner?

A. In the hospital. B. In a restaurant. C. At Mike's home.

) 24. What's the relationship of Mike and Mr Smith?

A. They are neighbours. B. They are father and son. C. They are cousins.

) 25. What was Mike's wife probably doing when Mike tried to phone her?

A. Cooking supper. B. Talking on the phone.

C. Talking with Mike.






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