


【摘要】下面就是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的精选中考英语听力模拟试题,希望能为大家的学习带来帮助,不断进步,取得优异的成绩。

[00:00.00]TEST EIGHT

[00:57.10]Model Test 4

[01:01.94]part 1.

[01:06.77]1.Bob goes to school ( ).

[01:13.33]2.The boys like playing ( ).

[01:19.18]3.There is ( ).

[01:24.82]4.Jimmy is drawing ( ) on the paper.

[01:32.26]The keys to part 1. 1-4 BCBB

[01:36.52]Part 2.

[01:42.56]5.How old are you?

[01:51.31]6.Hello.May I speak to Alice?

[01:56.56]7.What does your brother do?

[02:01.50]8.What’s the date today?

[02:06.54]9.Thank you for helping me.

[02:11.97]10.M:How much is it?

[02:18.03]W:Three dollars and fifty.

[02:24.59]Q:Where are they? ( )

[02:28.53]The keys to part 2. 5-10 BCBACB

[02:30.57]Part 3.

[02:38.62]11.M:Do we need some more bread?

[02:44.96]W:Yes,I think we do.

[02:48.83]Can you go and get some,please?

[02:53.37]Q:What do they need? ( )

[02:58.52]12.M:Excuse me.

[03:02.39]Where is the nearest hospital?

[03:06.02]W:Go along the street,then you can see it.

[03:11.56]It’s between a shop and a post office.

[03:16.52]Q:Where does the man want to go?


[03:28.09]It is raining hard,isn’t it?

[03:32.35]W:Yes,it is.

[03:36.29]But I think tomorrow will be fine.

[03:41.05]Q:What’s the weather like today?

[03:46.09]14.M:I can’t find my bag,Mum.

[03:52.36]W:I saw it on the desk in my room last night.

[03:58.81]Q:Where is the bag?

[04:04.85]15.M:Your watch looks like mine.

[04:12.47]Is it made in Japan?

[04:16.60]W:No.It is made in China,but I bought it in Canada.

[04:23.73]Q:Where is the watch made?

[04:28.90]The keys to Part 3. 11-15 AABCB

[04:31.65]Part 4.

[04:38.80]Jane was traveling by car in the country.

[04:44.84]One day she stopped in front of a beautiful old house.

[04:51.27]She got out and took a careful look at it.

[04:56.52]Then she looked around and found a lot of graves 200 meters away from the house.

[05:04.95]An old man was cutting grass there.

[05:09.71]Jane walked to the old man and said,"Good morning.

[05:15.77]Do people often die in this village?"

[05:20.21]The old man stopped working for a minute,

[05:24.68]looked at Jane in surprise and said,"No,they die once."

[05:31.13]Jane laughed when she heard this,and then said,

[05:36.88]"I’m sorry,I didn’t say that right,

[05:41.52]I’ll ask it in a different way.

[05:45.47]Do a lot of people die in this village?"

[05:50.04]The old man felt even more surprised and said,"Why?All of them do."

[05:58.97]Then he began cutting the grass again.


[06:06.39]16.Why did Jane stop her car?

[06:12.74]17.What was the old man doing when Jane asked him?

[06:20.40]18.What is the meaning of the sentence

[06:26.56]"Do people often die in this village?

[06:31.39]19.Why did the old man look at Jane in surprise?

[06:38.86]20.What happened in the end?

[06:44.61]The keys to Part 4. 16-20 BCACB

【总结】威廉希尔app 中考频道精心整理了精选中考英语听力模拟试题,可登录中考英语听力学习更多知识。





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