


【摘要】目前同学已经进入第一轮备考阶段,威廉希尔app 为大家整理了各科目知识,以下是小编为大家推荐的2014中考英语听力强化训练一文,希望对大家的复习有所帮助。

[00:00.00]Model Test 6

[00:31.09]Part 1.








[01:08.39]8.April 12th,1994

[01:13.82]9.fish,bread and rice.

[01:19.26]10.in the front row

[01:23.30]Part 2.

[01:30.78]1.How are you,Jim?

[01:35.69]2.Is this your picture?

[01:35.76]3.Could you help me,Please?

[01:40.30]4.Where are you from?

[01:44.85]5.Shall we go shopping now?

[01:49.50]6.What’s she doing now?

[01:54.23]7.What does your father do?

[01:59.77]8.Where do they work?

[02:04.41]9.Who is that man in a red coat?

[02:10.37]10.How long have you been at this school?

[02:16.01]The keys to part 2. 1-5 DCBAC 6-10 CACDA

[02:19.07]Part 3.

[02:26.44]1.Ann:Meimei,are you free next Tuesday evening?

[02:34.69]Meimei:I think so.Why,Ann?

[02:39.73]Ann:Would you like to come to supper?

[02:43.89]Meimei:Oh,thank you!

[02:46.94]I would love to!

[02:50.49]Question:What does Ann ask Meimei to do?



[03:06.53]How cold it is today!

[03:11.11]Huifang:Yes,but the radio says the sun will come out later.

[03:17.64]Kate:Oh,I hope so.

[03:21.08]Question:What will the weather be like later on?

[03:26.52]3.Jim:Look carefully,Kate.

[03:31.17]That car nearly hits you.

[03:35.61]Kate:I wanted to get my ball,Jim.

[03:40.47]Jim:Well,you mustn’t play on the road.

[03:45.01]It’s dangerous.

[03:48.67]Question:What does Jim tell Kate to do?

[03:54.02]4.Lilei:Jim,what were you and your family doing last Sunday evening?

[04:02.67]Jim:Last Sunday evening?

[04:06.51]Let me see.

[04:09.46]Oh,my sister Kate was washing her hair.

[04:15.73]Li lei:What about you?

[04:19.36]Jim:I was doing my homework.

[04:23.20]Lilei:And your parents?

[04:26.76]Jim:They were watching TV.

[04:30.70]Question:What was Kate doing?

[04:35.77]5.W:Look at the map.

[04:40.42]You get off at No.21 bus stop,

[04:45.85]but you don’t know the way.

[04:49.69]You have to ask a stranger.

[04:53.74]Here is his answer.

[04:56.98]M:Walk along Guang Ming Road.

[05:03.72]Take the second turn on the right.

[05:09.28]Walk on and take the first turn on the left.

[05:14.72]It’s on your right.

[05:17.88]Q:What will you ask him?

[05:22.81]The keys to part 3. 1-5 BDBCD

[05:26.05]Part 4.

[05:32.72]Mr.Smith can not swim.

[05:37.37]One day he fell ( ) the river.

[05:42.20]He shouted( ),"Help!( )!"

[05:47.74]Just then,a young man ( ) into the river and helped him ( ).

[05:54.19]"That young man has ( ) you,"said his wife,

[05:59.05]"We( ) better give him one dollar ( )it."

[06:03.20]"Half a dollar is( )" said Mr.Smith,

[06:08.14]"Because I was only half ( ) when he saved me."

【总结】威廉希尔app 中考频道精心整理了2014中考英语听力强化训练,可登录中考英语听力学习更多知识。





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