


亲,就要考试了,怎么办呢?不要怕,精品小编为各位考生编辑了中考英语听力练习马丁·路德之子狱中会见杀父真凶, 希望大家多看多做多练~

March 27th, 1997, In Nashville, Dexter King, son of Martin Luther King Jr., meets with James Earl Ray in prison for (1)_____ the civil rights leader. "I just wanna ask you for the (2)_____: hum, did you kill my father?" "No, no, I didn't." Dexter King tells Ray "I believe you, and my family believes you." The King family (3)_____ a new trial for Ray before he dies the following year.

2002, Comedian Milton Berle (Uncle Miltie), television’s first (4)_____ superstar dies in Los Angeles at age 93. 10 years earlier, Berle in an Associated Press interview dismiss the common (5)_____ that he stole jokes: "I do not steal jokes, I just...find them before they're lost."


听写提示:专有名词: Viagra; Pfizer: 辉瑞(制药公司)

And 1917, The Seattle Metropolitans becomes the first US team to win the Hockey’s Stanley Cup (7)_____ the Montreal Canadiens.

Today In History, March 27th, Camille Bohannon, the Associated Press.


(1) assassinating (2) record (3) urges (4) true (5) claim

(6) 1998, The FDA approves the drug Viagra made by pharmaceutical company Pfizer to treat impotence in men.

(7) beating



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