


亲,就要考试了,怎么办呢?不要怕,精品小编为各位考生编辑了中考英语听力练习:里根总统遇刺受重伤, 希望大家多看多做多练~

March 30th, 1981, Outside the Washington DC hotel, John Hinckley Jr. (1)_____ President Ronald Reagan and three others. Presidential (2)_____ Lyn Nofziger: “the president has been shot once in the left chest. The (3)_____ entered from -- from his left side.” The shooting nearly kills Reagan early in his presidency and (4)_____ disables White House (5)_____ James Brady.

1867, Secretary of State William Seward reaches a (6)_____ with Russia to buy the (7)_____ of Alaska. At the time, critics (8)_____ the 7.2 million-dollar purchase as Seward's "folly".

And 1986, Actor James Cagney known for his (9)_____ guy roles in the movies, dies at his farm in (10)_____ New York at age 86. Cagney won an Oscar for playing Broadway Legend George M. Cohan in "Yankee Doodle Dandy."

Today In History, March 30th, Mike Gracia, the Associated Press.


(1)shoots (2)aide (3)bullet (4)permanently (5)Press Secretary

(6)deal (7)territory (8)ridicule (9)tough (10)upstate



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