Five years ago,my mother gave birth to a brother for me when I was 8.I have learned a lot from getting along with him.
After he was born,I almost became a babysitter.I had to amuse him after school.I would make faces and sing to him when he was crying.Sometimes I even carried him everywhere in our yard to refresh him while my parents were busy.What I liked to do best was to feed him when looking after him.How cute he was as he tasted his favorite food!My parents often praised me happily.As an elder brother,you've made contributions to looking after your younger brother.
I have got happiness from sharing.When I was young,I was the only child in my family.I could get what I wanted from my parents and get my parents' whole love.I was a “Little Emperor”.
But now,as long as I get something good,I will share it with him.I remembered the year when he was three,he was fond of Rubik cubes(魔方).I bought one for him with my lucky money as a birthday present.When he got the toy,he was so happy that he laughed,hugged me and said,
“Brother,I love you!”
Thanks for spending these years together with my family.It has taught me what responsibility means,what unselfishness means and what friendship means.Not only should I look after myself,but also I should pay attention to my family and my friends.
26.The underlined word “amuse” in the second paragraph means __B__.
A.开他玩笑 B.令他开心
C.令他生气 D.令他讨厌
27.When looking after his younger brother,the writer did the following EXCEPT __D__
A.carrying him everywhere
B.making faces and singing to him
C.feeding him
D.telling stories to him
28.How old was the writer when he bought the birthday present for his younger brother?__C__
A.3. B.8. C.11. D.13.
29.Before his younger brother was born,the writer.__B__
A.was a babysitter in his family
B.was a “Little Emperor” in his family
C.cooked for his family
D.bought a Rubik cube for himself
30.If you have a brother or a sister in your family,you might learn to be __A__ from the passage.
A.responsible B.selfish
C.lonely D.puzzled
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