




1.—I got the last ticket to Jay Chou's concert.

—What a ________guy you are!

A.lazy B.lucky C.serious D.funny

2.—Excuse me,________ can I get to the nearest bookshop?

—Go along this road and you will find it on your right.

A.why B.where C.when D.how

3.—Why are you driving so ________,Tony?I'm feeling sick.

—Sorry,but the train is leaving in 20 minutes.We have to hurry.

A.often B.fast C.hard D.slowly

4.—Zhang Lili,“the most beautiful teacher”,has moved us deeply.

—Yes,and she is ________ popular with her students.

A.sometimes B.never C.always D.hardly

5.My sister is ________.She likes making friends with others.

A.shy B.quiet C.athletic D.outgoing

6.—Do you consider yourself a rude person?

—________ not.I always have good manners.

A.Probably B.Usually C.Generally D.Certainly

7.I want to relax myself right now.Would you please change to ________ music?

A.sad B.loud C.exciting D.gentle

8.—You look ________ today.

—Yes,I stayed up late last night to watch a talk show.

A.easy B.warm C.tired D.smart

9.More and more people have a low­C life and the air is getting much ________ than a few years ago.

A.clean B.cleanest

C.cleaner D.the cleanest

10.—It's one of the ________ things in the world to stay with friends.

—I agree.It always makes us relaxed.

A.worst B.happiest C.busiest D.hardest

11.She looks much ________ without sunglasses.

A.well B.good C.best D.better

12.—English isn't as ________ as Chinese.

—Maybe,perhaps it's because Chinese is your native language.

A.easy B.easily C.easier D.easiest

13.—Do you like seeing a movie on your mobile phone?

—No.I ________ do that because it makes me uncomfortable.

A.seldom B.often C.usually D.sometimes

14.—Can you answer this question?

—Sorry,I can ________ understand it.

A.hardly B.almost C.quite D.nearly

15.—Who ran ________ of all in the sports meeting?

—Hector did,I think.

A.fast B.faster

C.the fastest D.more fast

16.I carried the bowl with both hands ________,so that I wouldn't break it.

A.carefully B.happily C.quickly D.carelessly

17.We arrived at the station too early and had ________ to go,so we sat there and chatted with each other

A.somewhere B.anywhere

C.everywhere D.nowhere

18.We can hardly believe that you learn to dance so ________.

A.quick B.quickly C.useful D.usefully

19.Liu Ying is good at singing.She sings ________ the famous singer,Co Co

A.as well as B.as good as

C.as better as D.as the best as

20.I met Lucy in the primary school and we have been close friends ________.

A.as usual B.again and again

C.sooner or later D.ever since

第26讲 形容词和副词




【例1】A 【例2】C 【例3】D 【例4】C 【例5】C

【例6】C 【例7】B 【例8】C 【例9】B 【例10】D


一、1~5.ACAAD 6~10.DBBDD 11~15.DCDDC 16.A






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