




1.—________ do you go to the cinema?

—Once a month.(2013,北京)

A.How long B.How far

C.How often D.How much

2.—How wonderfully you are playing the piano! do you practice it a week?

—Twice.Practice makes perfect.

A.How often B.How many times

C.How soon

3.—What brought joy to Linda just now?


A.Received a gift B.She received a gift

C.Receiving a gift

D.Because she received a gift

4.—________ is the street crowded with so many people?

—Because they are waiting to watch the boat races.

A.Why B.Where C.How D.Who

5.—I've been waiting for two hours.________ will you get here?

—In ten minutes.

A.How long B.How soon

C.How many

6.Mr Zhang hardly said a word because he was very angry yesterday,________?

A.didn't he B.did he

C.does he D.doesn't he

7.—Mary likes playing baseball very much.


A.So does Amy B.So Amy is

C.So Amy does

8.I can't play the piano,and ________.

A.neither can my sister B.my sister can't,too

C.so can't my sister D.can my sister,either

9.—________ do millions of online users visit the home page of the government?

—To read the news and search for the information they need

A.When B.Where C.Why D.What

10.—________ did you visit the Science Museum?

—Three months ago.(2012,重庆)

A.When B.Where C.What D.Which

11.—________ did you pay for the CD?

—Only nine dollars.(2012,河北)

A.How many B.How much

C.How long D.How often

12.You've just finished your listening exam.Please get yourself ready for the next part,________?

A.shall we B.will you

C.do you D.are you

13.—You like listening to Sally's songs,don't you?

—________.She has a sweet voice.

A.Yes,I do B.Yes,she does

C.No,I don't D.No,she doesn't

14.He has many friends at school,________?

A.has he B.does he

C.doesn't he D.isn't he

15.—________ T­shirt do you like better,the red one or the blue one?

—I prefer the red one.

A.How much B.How many

C.Whose D.Which

16.—________do you usually go to school,Simon?

—By bike.

A.When B.How C.What D.Where

17.—Jim had nothing for breakfast this morning,_______?

—________.He got up too late.

A.had he;Yes B.hadn't he;Yes

C.did he;No

18.—________apples do we need to make fruit salad?

—Let me think...We need three apples.

A.How long B.How often

C.How much D.How many

19.—________ bowl of mutton soup would you like?

—A big bowl,please.

A.What size B.What big

C.How much D.How size

20.—We have never been to Mexico,what about Jeff?

—________.He hopes to visit it some day.

A.Neither has he B.Neither does he

C.So has he D.So does he

21.If you go to the theatre this evening,so ________I.

A.will B.should C.do D.am

第32讲 疑问句和倒装句




【例1】A 【例2】A 【例3】B 【例4】B 【例5】B

【例6】C 【例7】shall we 【例8】D 【例9】D


一、1~5.BAADC 6~10.AACBB 11~15.ABAAA






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