




1.The enemy rots with every passing day, while for us things are getting better daily.

2.The strength of the collective is boundless, while that of the individual is very limited.

3.Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it.

4.You can also see that there is a grand piano, whereas ours is an upright.

句型[(第一并列分句)+but on the contrary+(第二并列分句)]

1.I have not nearly done. On the contrary, I have only just begun.

2.I do not admire that man, but on the contrary, I have a great contempt for him.

3.You think me idle, but on the contrary, I am very busy.

4.We are becoming stronger and stronger as we fight and, on the contrary, our enemy is getting more exhausted as the war drags on.

[注1] 与本句型相似的词组还有:1) "Contrary to+名词" 如: Contrary to what we had expected, he didn't come.

2) "In contrast to+名词" 如: In contrast to (或with) capitalism, there is nothing in the socialist economic system to cause war.  3) "In opposition to+名词" 如: In opposition to my wishes, you didn't study hard.

[注2] 与本句型意义相反的是 "如同…一样", 参考下面句式:

"Just as+从句", "Just like+从句": Just as Karl Marx did, he regarded a foreign language as a weapon in the struggle of life. = Just like Karl Marx, he regarded a foreign language as a weapon in the struggle of life.

句型[If+从句, (then)+主句]

1.If a government uses fascistic methods to suppress others, it is only one step removed from using the same methods against its own people.

2.If the desert can be called the sea, then the camels are the ships in it.

3.If in the capitalist world the working people toil only in order not to die of hunger, then in our country creative labor is considered as a thing glorious and heroic.

4.If this should be true, (then) that will be wrong.

[注] 表示对比意义的方式是比较多的,这里主要指出两种。1) 利用句子成分相同或相似的平行结构来表示,如:

We that (that是古旧用法) are sundered in sorrow may meet again in joy.

Books are the best of things if well used; if abused, among the worst.

2)"As…so…" 也可以表示对比意义,如:As the bees love sweetness, so do the flies love rottenness.



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