


8. 道歉和应答 Apologies and responses

(1)I'm sorry.对不起。


Excuse me.请原谅。

(2)That's all right.没关系。

It doesn't matter.不要紧。

That's nothing.没什么。

9. 遗憾和同情 Regrets and sympathy

What a pity!真遗憾(可惜)!

I'm sorry to hear that.听到这事,我很难过。

10. 邀请和应答Invitations and responses

(1)Can you come to my birthday party ?你能参加我的生日聚会吗?

Would you like to come?你愿意来吗?

That's very kind of you.你真好。

(2)I'd love to,but...我愿意,但是……

11. 提供(帮助等)和应答Offers and responses

(1)Can I help you?我能帮你吗?

What can I do for you?你有什么事吗?

Here,take this seat.坐这个位子。

Here,take my dictionary.拿我的词典。

Here you are.给你。

Here,take this one.把这个拿去。

Please let me help you.请让我帮助您。

Would you like some bottles of orange juice?你要几瓶桔子汁吗?

(2)Thanks.That would be nice/fine.谢谢,那太好了。

Thank you for your help.感谢你的帮助。



That's very kind of you,but...太谢谢你了,不过……

12. 请求允许和应答 Asking for permission and responses

(1)May I come in,please?我可以进来吗?

Can I see your licence,please?我能看看你的执照吗?

Could you help me,please?你能帮助我吗?

(2)Yes,Miss Gao.是的,高小姐。


Yes,do please.可以,请吧。

Of course(you may).当然可以。

That's OK.好吧。

That's all right.好吧,行。

(3)I'm sorry,but...很抱歉,可是……

You'd better not...你最好不要……

13. 表示同意和不同意Expressing agreement and disagreement


Sure!Jim's coming,too.当然,吉姆也要来。

Of course.当然啦。


Yes,I think so.是的,我认为是这样。

That's true.是真的。

All right.好,行。


Good idea!好主意!

I agree with you.我赞成你的意见。

(2)No,I don't think so.我想不是这样的。

I'm afraid not.恐怕不行。

I don't agree.我不同意。

I really can't agree with you.我实在不敢恭维。

14. 表示肯定和不肯定 Expressing certainty and uncertainty

(1)I'm sure of that.我肯定。

We're sure to beat them !我们一定能打败他们!

(2)But still we weren't sure we could beat them .然而,我们还是没有把握打败他们。

I'm not sure.我不敢肯定。

I'm not sure whether/if...我不敢肯定是否……

(3)Maybe,you put it here.也许你把它放在了这儿。

Perhaps.I'll just buy a jacket.也许我正好要买一件外衣。


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