




A: Hello. Could I speak to John?

B: 1.___________________.

A: Oh! Hi, John. This is Cindy. We met at Jim’s party.

B: How are you, Cindy?

A: Great. Would you like to see Titanic on Thursday night?

B: 2. ___________, Cindy, I have to work late this Thursday.

A: That’s too bad. 3.___________________?

B: I’m free on Saturday night

A: OK. How about meeting at about seven?

B: No problem. 4.__________________?

A: At the Garden Cinema. 5. ____________.

B: See you then.

1. This is John

2. I’m sorry

3. Are you free on Saturday night

4. Where shall we meet

5. See you then


A: Hello! May I speak to Lily?

B: 1._____________________.

C: Hello! 2.____________________.

A: Hi, Lily. This is Ann. Would you like to go to the park with me tonight?

C: Great! 3.____________________?

A: At the gate of our school.

C: 4._____________________?

A: How about six o’clock.

C: OK! 5.___________________?

A: See you then.

1. Hold on , please

2. This is Lily

3. Where shall we meet

4. When shall we meet

5. See you then


Fred: Hello! May I speak to Alice, please?

Kate: 1._______________. Alice, it’s for you.

Alice: Hello.

Fred: Hi, Alice. 2.____________. Would you like to go to my uncle’s farm tomorrow?

Alice: 3.__________________.

Fred: Good. I’ll pick you up at about seven o’clock.

Alice: Fine. I’ll be ready.

Fred: Great! I’m sure we’ll have a good time on the farm.

Alice: 4.______________. See you tomorrow.

Fred: 5.________________.

1. Hold on, please

2. This is Fred

3. Yes ,I’d love to .

4. I think so

5. See you tomorrow


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