A. vt.
Cell phones are made in this factory.
make a study of= study make use of= use
make an examination of= examine make an explanation of= explain
make a fool of=fool make fun of
make repairs
make a suggestion= suggest make an attempt= attempt
make an answer= answer make a decision=decide
make preparations for=prepare for make a guess at=guess
make a speech make arrangements
He made us work day and night. We were made to work day and night.
Praise make good men better and bad men worse.
We made you our monitor. What made you so frightened?
This machine makes it possible for us to finish the work in a short time.
He made it a rule to get up at six every morning.(规定)
She will make a good housewife. Cold tea makes an excellent drink in summer.
be made from由……原料制成 be made of由……材料制成
be made out of由……制成 be made up of由……所组成
be made into被制成…… be made to do sth. 被迫去做
make for=head for =make towards走向;冲向
make oneself understood/heard使自己被理解/听到
make a living谋生
make bed铺床
make ends meet应付开支;维持生活;使收支相抵
make friends with与……交朋友
make one’s way to sp.向……走去
make room/ way for为……让路
make sure/certain一定要;保证做到;核实
Make sure that you get there in time.
We must make certain they will come in time.
make the best/most of尽量利用;充分利用
make up one’s mind决心;决定
to make a long story short长话短说
make sb.’s hair stand on end使……毛骨悚然
make a fire生火
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