


51. She works in the same building _________ my sister.

52. He works __________ a driver.

53. Then the secretary ___________(问) the lady if she was a relative of the manager.

54. A red bus is stopping ____________(在) the bus stop.

55. Give your whole _______________ ________(注意力) what you are doing.

56. The eighth month of the year is _____________.

57. _____________(姨母) Lena has just left for America.

58. The season of the year between summer and winter is _______________.

59. The city is miles __________________(以外).

60. Some ______________ (婴儿) cry during the night.

61. She sat at the ______________(后面) of the hall and couldn't hear clearly.

62. Smoking is ______________(有害) for your health.

63. Where is my school ____________(包).

64. The earth looks like a ____________ (球) from space.

65. Do you like ______________(香蕉)?

66. Some people on the _________________ (河岸) called out to the man in the boat.

67. There is a People’s __________ (银行) of China near my home.

68. The young man likes singing in the _________________ (浴室).

69. Don’t __________ late for school again.

70. In the end, I could not _____________(忍受) it.

71. We are now living in a ______________ (美丽) new house in the country.

72. _____________(因为) he is tired, he does not want to go with us.

73. His youngest daughter _______ ____________ (已成为) a doctor.

74. You should make your ____________ (床) before you go to school.

75. They have a large ________________ (卧室).

76. ____________(在…前) they drive any of the buses, they will have to pass a special test.

77. After running half a kilometer, I_______________(开始) to feel tired.

78. A young man and a young woman were sitting _____________ (在后面) me.

79. You can't _____________ (相信) anything she says.

80. The _____________(铃) has just rung.

81. The house ____________ _____ (属于) our family for a long time.

82. The thief needs a ______________ (腰带) to keep up his trousers.

83. The coach is sitting on a ___________ (长凳).

84. The ladies rode in the carriage and we ran along ____________ (在…旁边) it.

85. I like this film ____________ (最).

86. The police arrived ________________ (之间) 6 and 7 last night.

87. How _____________(大) is the school you go to?

88. The students often go to school ___________ ___________ (骑自行车).

89. Can you kill 2 _____________(鸟) with one stone?

90. Let me wish you a happy _____________(生日).

91. The dog has _____________(咬) a hole in my trousers.

92. The boy had a _______________(青黑色) eye after the fight.。

93. There is a national flag above the __________________(黑板).

94. ____________ (血) is thicker than water.

95. The wind has _______________(吹) my hat off.

96. The woman _______ _________ (穿蓝色衣服) is my mother.

97. Are you going __________ ___________ (搭船) or by air?

98. Peter ________________ (烧开了) the kettle.。

99. The hotel is fully _______________ (预定) up.

100. He lost his book and __________________ (借) one from another boy.

101. ______________ New York and London have traffic problems.






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