



Yesterday afternoon,it was very hot.Mr. Green,with his family,decided to go swimming.There was a new and large swimming pool near their house.It was free for the first week.So they wanted to have a try there.When they got to the swimming pool,they were told to read the notice first.

Swimming Pool Rules & Regulation

*The swimming pool is open from 8:00 till 22:00.

*Wear a swimming suit before using the pool.

*Take a shower before entering the pool.

*Don't smoke in the whole area.

*Watch your children all the time while swimming.

*Don't move the sun chairs or umbrella without permission(允许).

*Diving(跳水) into the pool is not allowed.

*Stay away from the deep area if your swimming skills are not so good.

*People who have drunk,caught colds or who have skin diseases(疾病) can't enter the pool.

After reading the notice,the Greens were all very clear about what they should do and how they could keep themselves safe in the swimming pool.They enjoyed themselves there all the afternoon.

41.The Greens were told to __B__ first when they got to the pool.

A.go swimming B.read the notice

C.fill in the form D.buy the tickets

42.According to the rules,Mr. Greens should __A__ before entering the pool.

A.take a shower B.move to the sun chairs

C.smoke a lot D.send the children back

43.The rules tell the Greens NOT to __D__ when they swim in the pool.

A.watch the children all the time

B.wear a swimming suit

C.carry umbrellas with them

D.dive into the pool

44.From the passage,we know that __D__.

A.the swimming pool is open from 7:00 to 20:00

B.people can stay in the deep area if they can't swim

C.people who have skin diseases can enter the pool

D.the Greens family spent the whole afternoon in the pool


45.The first and greatest rule.Talking is not allowed,even including talking quietly during the music.

46.The musicians do not need your help,and your neighbours need silence.Learn to tap(轻敲) your fingers quietly on the chair—it's a good finger exercise.

47.Drinks and candies are not allowed.

48.Remember that you are representing your school,and you want to be on your best behavior.There are many eyes looking at you.

A.Do not embarrass your teacher nor your school.

B.No singing,tapping fingers or feet.

C.Please have nothing in your mouth,besides your teeth and tongue.

D.Do not talk.


49.What's the best title for this material?__A__

A.The Rules of Concert Etiquette

B.The Rules of Hotel Etiquette

C.The Rules of Bank Etiquette

D.The Rules of Airport Etiquette


假如你是某杂志社编辑Mr. Knowledgeable,根据中学生 Bob的来信内容,给他写封回信,帮助解决他所遇到的问题。字数80—100,开头已给出。

Dear Knowledgeable,

My problem is that I can't get on with my family.My parents always say “no” to my ideas without any reason.So I often quarrel(吵架) with them.Also,my brother is not very nice to me.He always refuses to let me watch my favourite TV show.Instead,he watches whatever he wants until late at night.I don't think this is fair.At home,I always feel lonely and nervous.Is that normal?What can I do?


Dear Bob,

It's normal to have these feelings.Why don't you talk about these feelings with your family?First,it's not right to quarrel with your parents.I don't think quarrelling can solve problems.You'd better have a talk with your parents.Tell them to have a discussion with you before saying “no” to your ideas.

Second,why not sit down and communicate with your brother?You should explain that you don't mind him watching TV all the time.However,he should let you watch your favourite TV show.I hope things will be better soon.







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