




1. We _______ swimming in the river every day in summer. (go)

2. It ______ you are right. (seem)

3. Look, the children ______ basketball on the playground. (play)

4. He ______ to the radio when I came in. (listen)

5. It is very cold. I think it ______. (rain)

6. "I need some paper." "I _____ some for you." (bring)

7. I can’t find my pen. Who ______ it? (take)

8. He said that he ______ back in five minutes. (come)

9. I didn’t meet him. He ______ when I got there. (leave)

10. I ______ my bike, so I have to walk to school. (lose)

11. He ______ down and began to read his newspaper. (sit)

12. He is not here. He ______ to the post office. (go)

13. He is very hungry. He ______ anything for three days. (not eat)

14. I ______ with you if I have time. (go)

15. We will go to the cinema if it ______ tomorrow. (rain)

16. I will tell her the news when she ______ to see me next week. (come)

17. "When ______ you ______ the car?" "In 1998." (buy)

18. We ______ good friends since we met at school. (be)

19. What ______ you ______ at five yesterday afternoon? (do)

20. The bike is nice. How much _____ it _____? (cost)


1. go 2. seems

3. are playing 4. was listening

5. is going to rain 6. will bring

7. has taken 8. would come

9. had left 10. have lost

11. sat 12. has gone

13. hasn’t eaten 14. will go

15. rains 16. comes

17. did, buy 18. have been

19. were, doing 20. did, cost






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