


20。 ---This is really a wonderful party with interesting people and great food。

---I’m glad you are _____。

A。 liking it  B。 enjoying yourself C。 at the party D。 are loving

21。 ---You’ve dropped _____ “s’’ in the word “acros’’

---Oh, ____ letter “s’’ should be doubled like this “across’’。

A。 a, a   B。 an, a  C。 a, the     D。 an, the

22。 ---The pen writes well though it doesn’t cost much。

--- Let me have a try。 So _____。

A。 it is   B。 it does  C。 does it  D。 is it

23。 ---The smell in the room is really terrible。

---You said it。 Let’s keep all the windows _____ 。

A。 closed  B。 open  C。 opening  D。 to open

24。 ---____ the Internet _____ in your school?

---Yes, but the computer in our office has often broken down。

A。 Is, used  B。 Is, using  C。 Does, use D。 Has, used

25。 ---Do you often get on-line?

---Yes。 I ______ most of my time on it 。It’s a good way to kill time。

A。 cost  B。 spend C。 pay D。 take

26。 ---Did Tom’s parents go to the meeting yesterday?

---Yes, ____ of them did, but ____ spoke。

A。 each, none B。 both, none C。 neither, both D。 both, neither

27。 ---I eat _____ vegetables and ______ meat than I did last year。

---That’s why you’re getting fatter。

A。 fewer, more B。 more, less C。 least, more D。 many, much

28。 ---_____ is the population of the town?

---Over 20,000 。And a third of the population ____ workers of the car factory。

A。 What, are B。 How many, are C。 What, is D。 How many, is

29。 ---I tried to make Kate ______ her mind, but I found it hard。

---Well, I saw you_______ that when I went past。

A。 change, do B。 changes, doing C。 to change, do D。 change , doing

30。 ---Sorry。 I am late。

---It doesn’t matter。 The meeting ______ for just several minutes

A。 has begun B。 has started C。 has been on D。 had been on

31。 ---I feel tired and sleepy。

---Why not stop _____?

A。 to work  B。 to have a rest  C。 having a rest  D。 to go on with your work

32。 ---Did you notice the boy come in?

---No, I didn’t because I _______a film。

A。 had watched B。 have watched C。 was watching D。 am watching

33。 ---Could you tell me _____? I must find him。

---Sorry, I have no idea。 But he was here just now。

A。 where Tom was B。 where has Tom gone

C。 where can I find Tom。 D。 where Tom is

34。 ---Shall I tell Mike about it?

---No, you _____。 He’s already been told。

A。 mustn’t  B。 can’t  C。 don’t  D。 needn’t


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