





41. Too    ▲    (多) homework often leads us to studying late into night.

42. Surprisingly, new research shows that most people are more    ▲    (相似)  to their fathers.

43. As the old saying goes,    ▲    (三月) is the best time to visit Yangzhou.

44. Qingtuan is a traditional Qingming snack for people living    ▲    (南方) of the Yangtze


45. Your room is always in a    ▲    (混乱) , Bennie. Why not clean it right now?


46. After three    ▲    (year) hard work, all the students in our class will realize their dreams.

47. The toy I like most is a toy bear I got on my    ▲    (eight) birthday. It was from my best friend Judy.

48. Liu Xiang, one of    ▲    (good) athletes in the world, announced his retirement (退役) several days ago.

49. Over forty countries around the world are expecting    ▲    (join) the Asian Infrastructure

Investment Bank (AIIB) (亚投行).

50. It is    ▲    (correct) for the Japanese government to turn away from the facts in the war.


Tired of puzzling over a problem? Sleep on it! Research by a group of German scientists shows that getting enough sleep makes people better    51    solvers.

They found that people    52    sleep for at least eight hours each night are better at solving problems and thinking creatively. For their research study, the scientists    53    106 people into groups. The group that got eight hours of sleep was twice as likely to find a shortcut for solving a math problem than the group that had stayed awake all night.

Skimping on sleep has become a bad habit for many American kids.    54    a survey by the National Sleep Foundation, 51% of kids ages 10 to 18 go to bed at 10 P.M. or later on school nights.

This is important information for parents and for kids. Getting enough sleep can    55

a kid’s performance at school.


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