


第三节  (每小题1. 5分,共6分)



( ) 13. What are they going to do tonight?

A. Go shopping.             B. Have a big dinner outside.     C. Go to the movies.

( ) 14. Why doesn’t the man want to go swimming tonight?

A. Because he wants to do something different.

B. Because he had a hard day and feels tired.

C. Because he hopes to play wi th his friends.


(  ) 15. What is the man going to do?

A. clean the bedroom.               B. go for a walk.                   C. buy a birthday gift.

(  ) 16. When is Tom’s mother’s birthday?

A. Next Friday.                      B. Next Saturday.                  C. Next Sunday.

第四节  (每小题1. 5分,共6分)


(   ) 17. When you go hiking, you should take _________ for safety.

A. a map                     B. a medicine box          C. a sleeping bag

(   ) 18. You should never _________ when you are hiking.

A. stay in a group              B. take a map with you      C. go on your own

(   ) 19. ________ is a good way to protect yourself from snakes.

A. Taking food and drinks       B. Wearing long trousers     C. Staying with others

(   ) 20. When you see a snake, you should_________.

A. keep quiet until it goes away

B. run away quickly

C. send for a doctor


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