


第二节  单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


26. — Nancy, who’s         man on the playground?

— He’s my uncle,          English teacher in No.1 High School.

A. a, an             B. the, the             C. the, an            D. a, the

27. —  Remember to save water when washing clothes.

—          .

A. Sure, I will.       B. Me, too             C. Well done         D. That’s OK

28. — Have you told Tom that we’re going to have a birthday party for him?

—No, I want to give him a          .

A. dream           B. lesson               C. smile             D. surprise

29. I used to play games          my lunch break when I was in my primary school.

A. against           B. among              C. during            D. between

30. — The documentary A Bite Of China II is quite popular in China. How do you like it?

—          .

A. I think so                                B. Pretty good

C. I don’t think so                            D. I hope so

31. On Nie’er Square, there are always many people dancing together if it _______ in the evening.

A. doesn’t rain       B. isn’t rain             C. won’t rain         D. rains

32. — Micro blog is very popular with the young people.

—         . We all like it very much.

A. Just so so                                B. No problem

C. Not at all                                D. That’s right

33. — I missed the beginning of The Voice of China last week.

—         ! But you can watch re-play this week.

A. Be careful                               B. Try your best

C. What a pity                              D. What good news

34. — We’d better ask Jim to discuss the plans of our subject with us tonight.

— Yes,        ? I’ll call him at once.

A. what for                                 B. why not

C. how is that                               D. what about

35. There is no light in his apartment. He           be at home.

A. mustn’t           B. needn’t             C. shouldn’t          D. can’t

36. —          delicious chicken!

— Help yourself. You can eat more if you like it.

A. What             B. What a             C. How             D. How a

37. — Can you catch  me, Mary?

— Yes, sir. You speak         . I can follow you.

A. enough slow                              B. slow enough

C. enough slowly                             D. slowly enough

38. It’s our duty to protect the environment. So don’t         waste paper everywhere.

A. put away                                 B. keep away

C. throw away                                D. run away

39. — Could you tell me          ?

— Sorry, I can’t remember. I only know it’s the longest r iver in China.

A. How long is Yangtze River                  B. How long Yangtze River is

C. How far was Yangtze River                  D. How far Yangtze River was

40. The music is          beautiful           I want to listen to it again.

A. so, that             B. such, that          C. too, to          D. so, as


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