




11. Why won’t the man teach kids how to draw pictures?

A. Because he isn’t good at drawing.

B. Because he doesn’t like kids.

C. Because he has no time.

12. What kind of volunteer job will the man do?

A. He hasn’t decided yet.

B. Chat with the children in hospital.

C. Chat with the people in an old people’s home.


13. Why did Sally stay at home last Saturday?

A. She was busy with housework.

B. She was busy with homework.

C. Both A and B.

14. What did Sally do on Sunday?

A. She took care of her little brother.

B. She went to the movies.

C. She cleaned her room.

15. What did Bob do on Sunday afternoon?

A. He played soccer.

B. He went to the movies.

C. He visited his friends.


I went to Hong Kong with my family last 16 . It was sunny and hot in the morning. Hong Kong is really a 17 place to visit. In Hong Kong, my parents did some shopping while my brother, Tom, and I were playing in the 18 near the supermarket. We played happily there. We had lunch in a hotel and took a 19 on the street. But in the afternoon it 20 rainy. We had to go back home. What a pity!


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