A. What’s wrong?
B. Please be calm and take it easy.
C. That’s really rude.
D. Best wishes to you.
E. That’s why you are so angry.
F. Are you feeling any better now?
G. Did anybody get hurt?
A: Hey, you look mad. What’s wrong?
B: I...I just can’t stand that terrible driver. Y ou can’t imagine...he is so…
A: 66 Oh, would you like something to drink, coffee or cola?
B: Neither. A cup of water is OK.
A: Here you are. (one minute later) 67
B: Yeah, thank you.
A: So what happened to you?
B: Just now I was riding my bike along the road. A car drove m front of me quickly and
suddenly stopped one meter away from me, I had to brake (刹车) hard but then I hit the
person on another bike.
A: 68
B: Luckily, no. But we both fell off our bikes.
A: 69
B: No, no, I got angry just because the driver drove off without saying anything.
A: 70
We go to sleep at the end of each day to feel relaxed. But have you ever wondered what sleep is like for animals?
In fact, animals have some surprising but fun sleeping habits, such as sleeping standing up and shutting down half of their brain.
Giraffes can go for weeks without sleep and when they do get some sleep, it’s less than five minutes. Giraffes get into danger easily because they’re large and slow moving. This means they can’t sleep for long periods.
Little brown bats(蝙蝠) could be called the "laziest", sleeping for around 19.5 hours a day. This long period of sleep is thought to be a way of saving energy. It means they only hunt for a few hours every night when they can find something to eat.
However, other animals are good at doing a few things at the same time.
For example, dolphins and whales keep half of their brain awake while sleeping. This allows them to keep talking in air so they don’t drown. Migrating (迁徙的) birds can sleep while moving during long journeys. The journeys sometimes last for six months.
71. Can giraffes sleep for long periods?
72. Who are the "laziest" animals according to the passage?
73. What do dolphins and whales do while sleeping?
74. How long do the journeys sometimes last when the migrating birds are moving?
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