Is it brave or em barrassing to speak in a language you’re not quite good at? That’s the question being asked in China after a famous businessman gave a short speech in English.
It was a pretty standard conversation: "Hello. How are you?" in our textbook, But the fact is that it was given in English by one of China’s most famous businessmen, Lei Jun, the founder and chief executive of the phone company Xiaomi, the world’s third-largest maker of smartphones. He made a speech in awkward English when he was in India for a new smartphone in April. Trying to interact (互动) with the audience, Lei announced that everyone would be given a free Xiaomi smart wristband(腕带)and asked: "Are you OK?" The phrase quickly became the object of ridicule(嘲笑)on social media. And it didn’t take long for his speech to be made into a rap song, repeating the phrase: "Are you OK?"
In fact, Lei’s English was more or less understandable, though his pronunciation is bad. Video of the event has been watched more than 450,000 times on the Chinese site Youku. More than a thousand people wrote their ideas after watching. One of the comments(评论)is "His English is so bad that he shouldn’t have spoken in it at all." But others argued that Lei was brave enough to speak English in India. "Even foreigners will try to be friendly with us by trying to speak in Chinese."
English is taught as the second language in many Chinese schools, but some schools and students don’t pay enough attention to the pronunciation and can just speak like robots. Lei himself has written something on his Weibo page to express surprise at the online interest. "I went on stage and spoke several sentences in English only to make Indian Xiaomi fans excited. I have never thought video of the speech will spread to China so quickly. Everyone in China is laughing. Since there are more an d more Xiaomi fans overseas, I really should improve my English so that I won’t let everyone down!" he wrote.
62. Lei Jun made a speech in English .
A. in China B. in India C. in Japan D. in America
63. Xiaomi is in the world.
A. the biggest smartphone maker
B. as popular as iPhones
C. the third largest maker of smartphones
D. the most popular smartphone
64. The Chinese meaning of the word "awkward" in this passage is probably
‘‘ ”
A.蹩脚的 B.流利的 C.地道的 D.谦虚的
65. According to the passage, we know that .
A. all the people think Lei Jun should make a speech in English
B. some schools in China don’t pay enough attention to English pronunciation
C. foreigners try to speak Chinese because they are good at Chinese
D. the video of Lei Jun’s speech is popular among teenagers
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