





Artist training course

Do you want to get $75-$200 each hour?You will get good jobs if you spend only a week on our course about ads,TV programs,films and fashion.


Telephone number:310­364­0665

Teaching English overseas

A 4­week language course is offered monthly in Prague.It's helpful for you to get good jobs around the world.

Cost:1,300 dollars


Looking for a housemate

I'm Mary.I have a house with 3 bedrooms.There are many things in it including a TV,a washing machine and a refrigerator.You only need to pay $300 for a bedroom each month.And it includes the cost of surfing the Internet.There are two rules for you to obey:you mustn't make lots of noise in the house and you must keep the house clean.


26.The artist training course lasts ________.

A.two days     B.four days  C.seven days     D.a month

27.Mary's house provides the following things except ________.

A.a TV        B.a computer

C.a refrigerator      D.a washing machine

28.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.The cost of the artist training course is $75 each hour.

B.People who take the 4­week language course can all get a job overseas.

C.If you often surf the Internet,you'd better not rent Mary's house.

D.Someone who wants to be Mary's housemate should pay $3,600 a year.


PE classes usually mean running, jumping and playing ball games. But students at Aspire Middle School in Lacey, Washington spend their PE classes doing yoga.

"PE has been either dance or yoga since we started," said the headmaster Monica Sweet. "They're both very popular classes."

Teacher Anne Kohlbry developed the yoga program and began teaching it when the school opened in 2009. Each class lasts about 50 minutes. It includes some warm-up activities such as walking laps(跑道的圈) around the school, controlled breathing, stretches (伸展) and a few minutes of relaxation.

Kohlbry usually plays classical music while students stretch on yoga mats. They practice several classic poses. For example, to do the mountain pose, students stand tall with feet together. They take a deep breath and raise their hands over their head. Their palms(手掌) face each other with arms straight. Then they try to reach up toward the sky with their fingertips.

When doing yoga, students need to be calm and find the balance of their bodies. It helps them focus, according to Kohlbry.

"Focus is a big thing-middle school kids are so distracted(分心的),” she told the local newspaper The Olympian.

Yoga also makes students healthier.

"I've had a lot of kids saying,  'Madam, I've developed a six-pack muscle(肌肉 )' because we do a lot of strength training," she said.

Eighth-grader Jessica Wallingford, 14, likes the class. "In the two years that I've been here, there are a lot of things I've improved on. It's pretty cool. It's better than running laps," she said.

"It feels like exercise," said Thomas Shiveley, 11. "It's not tiring, but it's good exercise."

29. PE classes at Aspire Middle School are special because the students are asked to_______.

A. run on the playground       B. do yoga

C. play ball games         D. jump

30. Doing yoga can help the students_______.

A. keep balance        B. get excited

C. become focused        D. control their breath

31. Which word has the same meaning as "focus" in the passage?

A. Attention.         B. Force.

C. Distraction,         D. Balance.

32. From the passage, we learn that_______.

A. doing yoga makes Shiveley feel tired  B. strength can hardly be trained in yoga

C. classical music is of ten played in yoga classes

D. warm-up exercise is not necessary in doing yoga


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