



W: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?

M: I would like to spend my holiday abroad.

W: Yes, sir. Which country would you like to visit?

M: I’ve no idea. I’m too tired and just want to relax.

W: Maybe you can spend your holiday in Switzerland. It’s a wonderful place for skiing.

M: But it’s too cold. I prefer warm places.

W: What about Australia? There is a lot of sunshine there all the year round.

M: Good idea. And I can practise my English as well.

(9---11 ABC)


M: Good morning, doctor.

W: Good morning. What’s wrong with you, boy?

M: I have had a headache and a cough. I’m feeling weak now.

W: How long have you been like this?

M: Ever since last night.

W: Have you taken your temperature?

M: Yes, my mother has. She said it was not very high.

W: Well, you have caught a cold.

M: Is it serious, doctor?

W: No, nothing serious. Take the medicine and stay in bed for two or three days.

M: Oh, no. We’ll have a basketball match and I’m a member of the school team.

W: It’s a pity you can’t go. But your body is more important than anything else.

(12-----15 ACCB)



Most American families like to have a holiday in summer. Summer is a good season for holiday. It is very hot during the months of July and August. Children don’t go to school during these two months. Some people like to stay at home. They work in the garden, visit friends, read books or watch TV. Many families bring their lunch to the park or somewhere far away from the city. They like to eat it in the field. If they live near the sea, they often go to the beach. Many families travel on the bus or on the train. They also travel by plane to a foreign country. Many big cities have many famous buildings, theaters, shops and other places for travellers.

(16—20   BCBAB)


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