Long ago, there was a little girl who was born into a poor family.
One day, the little girl wanted to decorate(装饰) a 36 . Her father became 37 when he found that his three-year-old daughter had wasted plenty of wrapping paper (包装纸). He punished her.
The next morning, the little girl 38 earlier than usual. She brought the box to her father and said, "This is 39 you, Daddy. It's a Christmas present. " The father felt sorry for his earlier behavior. However; when he opened the box,. he saw that the box was . 40 The father became angry again and shouted at his daughter, ' Don't you know when you give someone a present, there should be 41 inside?" The little girl looked up at her 42 with tears in her eyes. She cried, "Daddy, ifs not empty at all. I put my 43 in the box. " Hearing this, the father put his arms around his little daughter. 44 he asked for her forgiveness(原谅).
Only a short time later, an accident took the life of the child. It is said that the father 45 that box by his bed for many years. Whenever he felt bad, he would take out a kiss and remember the love of his daughter.
( )36. A. box B. bed C. tree D. house
( )37. A. sad B. excited C. proud D. angry
( )38. A. stood up B. looked up C. got up D. Fell asleep
( )39. A. for B. from C. of D. by
( )40. A. dirty B. empty C. ugly D. clean
( )41. A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing
( )42. A. sister B. brother C. mother D. father
( )43. A. tears . B. kisses C. hugs D. courage
( )44. A. Also B. However C. Anyway D. Instead
( )45. A. showed B. missed C. kept D. passed
Dear Uncle Horton,
We just want to let you know what a great weekend we had with you while we were in Boise. You are a fantastic guide and it was so nice of you to have taken us out for a tour of the city. The sights were beautiful and our two girls loved the Discovery Centre very much. They are still talking about it.
We are not sure when we’ll meet again, but we hope it won’t be too long. Please let us know of any plans you might have to visit New York. We would love you to visit us and we hope to have the pleasure of taking you around New York City.
Thanks again for a truly great weekend.
Much love,
Dick and Kate
Happy Mother’s Day! Since I have my own kid, I have got to know how hard mothering is. Thank you for being so patient with me through my ups and downs. I hope I can be as good a mother to Lily as you are to me. Thanks for being such a good mum. Whether you come to visit me or we talk on the phone, l always feel we're so close. You're always my best friend. I hope you know how much I love you!
( )46. Why did Dick and Kate write to Uncle Horton?
A. To say sorry to him. B. To say thanks to him.
C. To invite him to their house. D. To tell him about their travel plans. .
( )47. There are at least _ people in Dick's family.
A. six B. seven C. four D. five
( )48.Who is Lily?
A. Helen’s mum. B. Helen’s friend
C. Helen’s sister. D. Helen’s daughter
( )49.What does Helen think of her mum?
A. Quiet. B. Patient. C. Strict. . . . D. Serious.
( )50.Which of the following is TRUE7
A. Dick and Kate live in Boise
B. Uncle Horton will visit New York soon.
C. Helen’s mother lives with Helen
D. Helen loves her mother very much.
English is spoken as a first language by about 375 million people and as a foreign language by around 750 million people. It is being learned by about a billion people. These numbers alone make English ▲ to learn. If you are not fluent (流利的) in English, it may be good for you to know the advantages of learning the language.
In many countries, English is used as a working language. In the United States, English speakers make more money than those who don’t speak English at all. Learning . English can increase the chance of getting a good job.
If you visit a country, you can easily find someone who can speak at least a little English. So if 'you know English, you have a chance to communicate almost anywhere you travel.[
Its not easy for parents who don’t understand English to raise children in an English -speaking country. For example; if they send their children to school and the teacher does not speak their mother language, parents are likely to have difficulty communicating with the teacher. And if the children have homework they do not understand, parents cannot help them.
Want to get advice on how to learn English well? Please go on looking at our website.
( )51. According to the first paragraph, about million people speak English as a
first language.
A.375 B.750 C.1,125 D. 1,500
( )52. Which of the following can be put in ▲ ?
A. hopeless .B. difficult C. Boring D. important
( )53. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the reading?
A. English is helpful in finding a job.
B. English is helpful in traveling to other places.
C. Children who learn English well can receive more attention. .
D. Parents who know English well have no trouble helping kids with homework
( )54. Who is this passage written for?
A. People who learn English as a first language. .
B. People who are not good at English.
D. People who love traveling.
( )55. Where can you probably find the above reading?
A. In a museum. B. In a magazine.
C. In a newspaper. D. On the Internet.
ks not easy to get used to another country’s customs, but before you visit a country, you'd better learn how to behave properly at table.
In China, it's rude to use your chopsticks to hit an empty bowl. And you are not supposed to point at anyone with your chopsticks. When you finish eating, place them on top of the bowl. And you should never stick your chopsticks into the food.
When in India, do as the Indians do. In India, you are expected to eat with your right hand. That's because Indians think the left hand is "dirty". (When you shake hands with an Indian, you should also use your right hand. )
In France, you are not supposed to put your bread on your plate. Instead, you should put it on the table. And when you eat fruit, you should cut it up and eat it with a fork. In France, don’t eat anything With your hands except bread.
( )56.In China, when you are full, what should you do?
( )57.Indians probably think it’s to eat with the left hand.
A. important B. impolite C. necessary D. wise
( )58. Where do French people put their bread?
A. On the table. B. On a plate. C. In a bowl. D. In a cup.
( )59. What do French people use to eat fruit?[
A. Chopsticks. B. A knife. C. A spoon. D. A fork.
( )60. What's the reading mainly about?
A. How to serve at table. B. How to use forks and chopsticks.
C.Some fantastic countries to visit. D. Eating customs in some countries.
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