



Planning a Birthday Party

Mrs. Green is going to give a birthday party for Kate. Kate is her daughter. Kate is going to be fourteen years old. A old of Kate’s friends will come to the party.

Mrs. Green is getting ready for the party. Mrs. White is helping her.

“That’s a pretty cake,” Mrs. White says to Mrs. Green.

“Thank you very much.”

“Are you going to have some ice cream?”

“Yes. The man from the shop is going to bring it at four o’clock, I’m going to have some chocolate, and strawberry, too.”

Mrs. Green will go shopping. She will buy some fruit for the party, too.

It’s three o’clock now. Everything is ready. Kate is wearing her new dress. It’s a white dress. Now the doorbell is ringing. The first girl is arriving. The party is going to start.


1. Mrs. Green is Kate’s _____.

A. teacher B. friend C. mother D. aunt

2. Mrs. Green _____.

A. and Mrs. White are getting ready for the party

B. has got everything ready with the help of Kate’s friends

C. is busy getting things ready for the party by herself

D. does not know how to make ice cream for the party

3. Kate ______.

A. has few friends

B. is a nice girl and has a lot of friends

C. is busy getting thinks ready for her birthday party

D. does not want to help Mrs. Green

4. Who is going to bring the ice cream?

A. The man from the shop  B. Mrs. White

C. Mrs. Green       D. Kate

5. When will the party begin? It will begin ______.

A. tomorrow afternoon    B. on the fourteenth

C. before three o’clock   D. after three o’clock

答案:1-5 C A B A D


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