


IV.完形填空  阅读短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。(10分)

One morning last summer Joyce Andrews made some sausage(香肠) sandwiches for her husband’s lunch. There was one sausage left over. Mrs. Andrews gave it to Henry, their little  56 . Henry ate it up quickly.

During the morning the dog got ill. He wouldn’t  57  shaking his head, and couldn’t stand properly. Joyce thought, “He must have eaten something  58 . Maybe that sausage…” she suddenly remembered her husband’s lunch. She ran to the  59  and called Jim.

“Jim, I  60  you haven’t eaten any of those sandwiches yet.” “Yes, I have …”“You have? Well, listen—don’t eat any more. I gave Henry the last sausage,  61  now he’s ill. Go to the doctor, Jim.” “But I feel all right.” “Jim, don’t take a chance with your health. I’m sure the sausages are bad. Go to the doctor and tell him  62  the dog. Get some medicine.”

Jim came back at lunch time and went to bed. “I had a very uncomfortable hour at the doctor’s,” he told Joyce, “and the medicine made  63  very sick.”

The next morning Jim was  64 . Henry seemed quite well again, too. At eleven o’clock the milkman came with the milk.

“Morning, Mrs. Andrews,” the milkman said “ 65  is your dog this morning? I’ve been thinking about him…”

“Have you? Well, he seems all right now, but...”

“Yesterday morning he and I had a little accident. He jumped up at me, and I dropped a bottle of milk on his head.”

56. A. dog    B. son    C. cat    D. sister

57. A. like              B. mind             C. stop             D. enjoy

58. A. bad                B. new            C. cold            D. easy

59. A. clock            B. photo            C. radio            D. telephone

60. A. find            B. hope              C. hear              D. agree

61. A. if                B. and          C. though          D. because

62. A. to            B. from            C. with             D. about

63. A. me                B. him           C. her              D. them

64. A. sad                B. ill           C. fine              D. lazy

65. A. Who       B. How        C. Where         D. What

V.补全对话  阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。(5分)

A: Hello, Amy speaking.

B: Hi, Amy!    66     May I speak to Peter?

A: Sorry, he’s not here. He’s playing soccer at the park.    67

B: Yes. Please tell him that I’d like him to come to my birthday party tomorrow evening.

A: OK.    68

B: It’ll start at half past five.

A: Where will you have the party?

B: At the restaurant next to Peter’s office.    69

A: All right.

B: Thank you.    70

A: Bye-bye.

66. A. This is Sam.      B. How are you?

C. It’s cloudy.           D. How’s the weather?

67. A. What are you doing now?      B. Could you sweep the floor?

C. What’s wrong with you?   D. Can I take a message for him?

68. A. I’d love to.           B. What time will it start?

C. Happy birthday!           D. When is your birthday?

69. A. I can go with you.              B. Let’s take the bus.

C. He can walk there.             D. You can’t miss it.

70. A. Good-bye.         B. See you then.

C. You’re welcome.               D. Here you are.


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