M: Too bad. Who do you have for English?
W: Mr. Arnold. He’s the one who gave James a D last year.
M: Oh, yeah. I’ve heard about Mr. Arnold. I hope I never get him.
W: I’m not quite afraid of him. My English is OK .But my maths is really a big problem.
M: But you know, I’m worried about neither English nor maths. The class that I’m really worried about is physics. It’s hard!
W: Have you had any tests yet, Jack?
M: Yes, we’ve already had three. I did OK on them, but I had to study a lot.
W: By the way, Tom, where do you usually study at home?
M: It’s so hard for me to do my lessons in my room. It’s always really noisy in my house and I can’t keep my mind on my lessons.
W: Hey, Tom, I know this great place where it’s very quiet and no one troubles you.
M: Really ?
W: Yeah. It’s called the library!
Text 14
Dear friends,
It is the last night of the year. Now it’s time to make plans for the New Year. Here is what I am with you.
I will try to get better grade. I am good at math and other subjects,but I need to improve science and history. I’ll study harder.
I’ll be nicer to my sister. We fight often. Mom says I should be kinder to her and she is right. I am older. So I’ll work harder to get along.
I’ll eat better food. Every day after school I eat a lot of snacks. I should eat more fruit and vegetables. They will make me healthier and stronger.
This year was a good year for me, but I will make next year even better. I will work harder to keep my resolutions. What are your plans?
With best wishes for the new year.
1—5、CABAC 6-10、BCABC 11-15、AAABC 16-20、CBACB
21-25、BBCAC 26—30BADAA
31—35CBADD 36—40BBCDB 41-45CDACB 46-50ACADB 51-55.BADAD 56-60 BCADA 61-63 BAD 64-67 BABD 68-70 DBA
71. At the age of 72. How soon
74.the stress of the illness 75.the improper care of your hair 76.Some medicine 77.Medicine
78.mistakes 79.reading 80.hottest 81.lost 82.yourselves 83.without
84. Where are you going?
85. I am sorry to hear that.
86. When was she taken to hospital?
87. What shall we buy for her?
88. When and where shall we meet?
Hello.I’m Xiao Ming.My hometown is an old town called Huangzhou. It lies in the Southeast of Hubei Province. It is the capital town of Huangggang City. It has the population of 380,000. And it is about 353 square kilometers in size. It takes you under one hour to get to Wuhan by bus. It’s cross from Ezhou City.There are many places of interest which attract lots of people from all over the country.Chibi Park is one of the most famous places in Huangzhou. Have you ever heard of the Warof Chibi ? Chibi Park has become famous not only because of the war but also some beautiful poems that were written by Su Dongpo. Another beautiful place is Yi’ai Lake Park.Thousands of people walk around the lake in summer evenings after supper. The wind blows over the lake and it makes people comfortable. You have fun there.
These places are well worth visiting. If you have a chance to come here, don’t miss them.
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