18. Why don’t Stacy’s parents let her go out for the school picnic?
A. She hasn’t done her book review. B. She didn’t pass her physics test.
C. She has some big problems in maths.
19. Why isn’t Tom able to study at home?
A. His parents are not patient. B. His teacher doesn’t allow him to.
C. His house is always too noisy.
20. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?
A. The school picnic. B. The school lessons. C. The school library.
21. Who did Mr Arnold give a D last year?
A. Stacy B. James C. Jack
22. When did Susan write her New Year’s plan ?
A. New Year’s Day B. the last night of the year C. the first morning of the year
23. Which subject wasn’t Susan good at last year?
A. English and math B. music and art C. science and history
24. Who is older?.
A. Susan. B. I don’t know. C. Susan’s sister.
25.What are better food to keep healthy according to Susan’s plan?
A. Snacks B. Meat C. Vegetables
第一节 单项选择(共 20小题;每小题 1分,满分20分)
26.The math question is like a piece of cake. He spent five minutes in working it out.
A.hard B easy C. confusing D. difficult
27.When the baby pandas see the keepers, they run over with excitement.
A.happily B. quickly C. sadly D.angrily
28.My alarm clock didn’t go off, and I woke up late this morning.
A. There was nothing wrong with my alarm clock. B. My alarm clock worked well.
C. Nothing was wrong with my alarm clock .D.Something was wrong with my alarm clock.
29. It’s reported that the rainy days make me sad.
A. blue B. black C. white D. gray
30.I enjoy reading the novel that was written by Zhang Ailing.
A. written .B.writing C.wrote D.writes
B) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.
31.-How was your interview today?
-I made it! It was extremely crowded,but I had the of interviewing the famous writer in the end.
A.trouble B.experience C.opportunity D.difficulty
32.Those pictures often me the last school trip with our classmates.
A.think;of B. remind;of C.help;out D. cheer;up
33.一The summer vacation is coming.Do you have any ideas about the coming vacation?
-I volunteering in the old people’s home.What do you think of it?
A.suggest B.expect C.wish D. would like
34.—Oh,dear ! Bill, come here !Our little son ate a pill mistake again.
—He must have thought it is candy.I've told you a hundred times to hide the medicine
A.with;to B.by;towards C.in;for D.by;from
35.一What do you think of Martin ?
一He is the boy in our class.He answers many questions and has created three clubs
A.most energetic B.liveliest C.most active D.most confident
36.一What will the weather be like tomorrow?
一It be rainy ,cloudy or sunny.Who knows? Even the weather report is not always right.
A .must B.might C. should D.can
37.A new bridge over the river now ,You can see many railway workers and engineers working every day.
A.is built B.is being built C.has been built D.should be built
38.—Ann, I remember that you didn’t used noodles with chopsticks well.
—People should change.After my three-year life in China.I am used noodles with them.
A.to eating; for eating B.to eat;to eat
C.to eat;to eating D.to eat;for eating
39.—Why do you call him Mr.Knowledgeable?
— Because he knows almost everything we want to know.
A.which B.what C.who D.that
40.— Laura,can I borrow your Harry Potter and the Little Women?
— I it to Thomas, He will return it this afternoon.
A.1ent B.have lent C. will lend D. lend
4l. —Excuse me.Could you please tell me ?
—Certainly.Take the escalator to the second floor and turn left, There is a bank next to the drugstore.
A.where can I exchange money B.where the post office is
C.which is the way to the bank D.how I can get to the restaurant
42.Jenny ,hurry up you will miss the school bus.
A.so B.but C.and D.or
43.一Let’s start to make dinner!
一Mom , it’s best to read the instructions using the new microwave oven.
A.before B.but C.and D.or
44.一Why do you appreciate her help so greatly?
一Because her donation makes it possible for me the dog Lucky.
A.to having B.have C.to have D.having
45.一I’m very nervous now.I’m afraid 1 will fail the test.
一 , Lisa .You can do it.
A.I think so B.Don’t worry C.Never mind D. Congratulations
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