


第二节 词语填空 ( 10小题,计10分)

通读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一


The best thing to start your day is a good breakfast. There are different   36   of breakfasts around the world.

“Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper(穷人).” _37

the old saying tells us, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It   38   us with energy after a long  night without food.

If people don’t have breakfast in the morning, they will feel __39____ and get angry easily. Breakfast helps children stay more focused in school. A study showed that children, who eat breakfast well, get__40___ grades in school.

A   41  breakfast should include some protein(蛋白质) like eggs, milk or a little

meat, which makes you energetic all day.

Carbohydrates(碳水化合物)like rice or bread can keep you__42____. Vegetables

and fruit have the vitamins that humans need.

__43   , in China, breakfast is differen t in ___44__ places. Although Western culture has influenced China a lot, most people still __45__ traditional Chinese breakfast. They think that porridge and noodles are not only easily digested(消化), but also can provide enough energy in the morning.

36.  A. ways        B. kinds           C. problems

37.  A. So          B. Though         C. As

38.  A. provides     B. takes           C. asks

39.  A. happy       B. excited          C. tired

40.  A. less         B. fewer           C. more

41.  A. healthy      B. delicious        C. terrible

42.  A. outgoing     B. humorous       C. active

43.  A. Therefore    B. However         C. Because

44.  A. breakfast     B. lunch           C. dinner

45  A. prefer        B. dislike          C. mind


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