(满分150分,完卷时间100分钟) 2013.5
Part 1 Listening
I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共30分) Xk b 1. Com
A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (共6分)
1. The children are swimming happily in the swimming pool. (D)
2. My mother enjoys listening to pop songs when she has time. (F)
3. Eating enough vegetables every day is good for our health. (B)
4. Smoking is harmful and not allowed in public places. (A)
5. I am very sorry to hear Mary was terribly hurt in a car accident this morning. (G)
6. Many foreigners are interested in Chinese culture and visit China every year. (C)
B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (共10分)
7. M: How did you get to the park yesterday, Mary?
W: I walked to the park. But I usually take a bus there.
Q: How did Mary get to the park yesterday? (D)
8. M: How much is your new bicycle?
W: It’s 500 yuan. How about yours?
M: I bought it three years ago. It was only half of your price.
Q: How much did the man pay for his bike? (C)
9. M: Hi, Jane! A nice day, isn’t it?
W: Yes, but tomorrow it won’t be such a good day. It will rain heavily.
Q: What will the weather be like tomorrow? (A)
10. M: Do you speak French, Alice?
W: No. But I can speak a little Japanese.
M: I need to talk to a visitor from France. You know, I can only speak English and German.
Q: Which language does the visitor probably speak? (B)
11. M: Do you know why Peter didn’t come to school yesterday?
W: It is said that he got a bad cold and stayed in bed all day.
Q: What was the matter with Peter yesterday? (D)
12. W: Jack, have you handed in your test paper today?
M: Sorry, I left it at home. I have to give it to you tomorrow.
Q: What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers? (B)
13. M: Hi, Linda. I haven’t seen you for a long time. Where have you been?
W: I’ve been to New York and stayed there for nearly a year.
M: Really? Why did you stay there for so long?
W: My aunt was ill. She needed help.
Q: Why did Linda go to New York? (C)
14. M: Where were you last night? I called you many times, but nobody answered.
W: I planned to go shopping with my friend, but we went to cinema instead.
Q: What did the girl do last night?(D)
15. M: Jim, it’s time for lunch. Come on.
W: I can’t find my notebook. Have you seen it anywhere?
M: Sorry, I haven’t. Why not ask your mother?
Q: What can you learn from the dialogue? (A)
16. W: Hi, Jack. You look sad. What’s wrong?
M: I lost my MP5 player this morning. It was a birthday present from my mother.
Q: What does the boy mean? (B)
C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (共7分)
In Munich, parents like their children to buy fresh vegetables in the gardens for the family, but these gardens are not the common ones. They are called the moral vegetable gardens. Children go there to buy what they want. Each time they only need some one-Euro coins because the vegetables there are cheap.
These gardens were built between buildings or on the top of the buildings. In the gardens, some fresh vegetables are grown by adults but some vegetables are just bought from the market. There are no people selling vegetables. There is only a board with price beside each kind of vegetable, so children can get the vegetables they want by themselves and put the money in the box there. It’s just like the fare box on the bus where people put money when getting on the bus. It’s said that the vegetables there haven’t been lost so far.
By buying vegetables in this kind of gardens, children cannot only learn more about how vegetables are grown and be more interested in nature. On the other hand, this can teach children to be honest from the young age.
17. F 18. T 19. F 20. F 21. T 22. T 23. T
D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词): (共7分)
April Fools’ Day is now celebrated in many countries around the world. Though it has been around for about 500 years, no one is sure how this day started. Most people believe that April Fools’ Day was first celebrated in France.
France was the first country to use the new calendar in western world. In 1582, the country moved the beginning of the year from the end of March to January 1. If someone forgot to keep up with the change and still celebrated the New Year between March 25 and April 1, different jokes would be played on him. Years went by and April 1 became the date of the modern holiday.
Now, people play jokes on each other on the holiday for no reasons. For example, they tell a friend that his shoes are not tied and laugh when he looks down. School boys would wear special costumes to surprise friends. Sometimes, newspapers and TV stations also play jokes. In 1950, a TV station reported that the Leaning Tower of Pisa (比萨斜塔) had fallen down. As you know, it’s still standing.
24. around 25. sure 26. March 27. Different 28. modern 29. reasons 30. 1950
Xk b 1. Com
Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar
II. 31. C 32. D 33. A 34. C 35. D 36. B 37. B 38. B 39. A 40. C
41 B 42. A 43. A 44. D 45. C 46. D 47. C 48. C 49. C 50. D
III. 51. C 52. H 53. A 54. G 55. I 56. B 57. D 58. E
IV. 59. stories 60. themselves 61. fiftieth 62. worse
63. successful 64. properly 65. unusually 66. decided
V. 67. Did, buy 68. hasn’t, yet 69. How, does 70. will, unless/ won’t, if
71. have, been 72. so, that 73. I, could
Part 3 Reading and Writing
(A) 74. B 75. A 76. C 77. A 78. D 79. B
(B) 80. A 81. B 82. D 83. B 84.C 85. C
(C) 86.years 87. suddenly 88. arrived 89. worried 90. everything 91. proud 92. hard
(D) 93. Because it was built next to the road.
94. They called their idea a “drive-in” restaurant
95. Because the cooks could make the food very quickly.
96. No, they didn’t.
97. It is in Beijing.
98. Ray Kroc was.
IX. Writing (作文): (共20分)
(一) 内容:
8分 内容切题,意思连贯,表达清楚、完整。
6-7分 内容基本切题,意思大致连贯,表达基本清楚,但不够完整。
4-5分 内容不够切题,意思不够连贯,表达不够清楚,离题目要求较远。
3分 内容基本不切题,表达不清, 但属于考场作文。
1-2分 文不对题,表达不清,字数严重缺少。
(二) 语言:
① 拼写:每错扣0.5分,同一错误不重复计数。
② 语法:同①
③ 标点符号、大小写:每两处错误扣0.5分,但标点符号和大小写的扣分总和均不得超过一分。
④ 语言分最多扣8分。
(三) 词数:
① 词数不足30词者,得分最多不得超过8分;
② 词数不足40词者,得分最多不得超过12分;
③ 词数不足50词者,得分最多不得超过15分;
④ 词数在50-59词之间者,每少5个词扣0.5分;
⑤ 只写出个别单词、词不成句不给分。
(四) 组织结构:
① 内容充实,不写废话;上下文连贯、用语规范、表达正确、无或少见语法错误;词汇和句型句式运用恰当,多见好句型和习惯表达用语者,可给4分。
② 一般情况下,内容和语言积累得分在14-15分以上者(含),方可得到2-3分组织结构分。
③ 内容和语言在15分以下者,如文中有值得肯定的好的句型和表达,可酌情考虑给1分组织结构分。
④ 通篇句型、句式单一。词汇贫乏者,即使无语法错误,一般不给组织结构分。
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