



66Mike began to ??up with Jim.?

67Polly is very ??without me.?

68Winter in China is from about November to??.?

69You must return your??book on time.

70?The man on the motorbike was??too fast.?

71?Mr Hu stood at the starting line.All the??got ready to run.

72?I've looked for the book ??.?

73?May I ??you for the dictionary??

74?It is because in the??world,English is very widely used.?

75?Do you like learning a ??language?


It was a??(76)afternoon.Xiao Ming was on his way home from??(77).Suddenly he saw an old man??(78)in the rain.The old man hadn't got an umbrella(伞)??(79)him and he was wet all over.Xiao Ming went up to him and tried to ??(80)the umbrella for the old man but he failed.He was too ??(81)and it was difficult for him to hold it ??(82)enough.Then he saw the old man's stick(手杖)and he tried hard to tie it to the handle(柄)of the umbrella.This time the umbrella was made to be long enough and it stopped the old man??(83)getting wet.The old man was very pleased and ??(84)the boy again and again.Then they went on their way ??(85).??


We spent a day in the country,picking flowers.Our car soon l ??(86)like a flower shop inside!On the way back we had to stop at some traffic l??(87).While we were waiting,my wife saw the cupboard(碗橱).It was a tall,narrow cupboard,and it s??(88)outside a furniture(家具)shop.??"Buy it,"my wife said at once."We'll carry it h ??(89)on the top of the car.I've always wanted a kitchen cupboard l ??(90)that."??What could I do?Ten minutes later the cupboard was o ??(91).My wife was very pleased b??(92)I was 40dollars poorer.I tied the thing on to my car.In the growing darkness I drove s ??(93).Other drivers were unusually thoughtful that evening.The police stopped other traffic to let us t ??(94).Everyone on the r ??(95)was very kind and helpful.?(注意:凡按规定参加听力测试的同学不需答下面的词语释义题。天津铁厂各中学的考生因不参加听力测试,所以必须答词语释义题)


1?Father is ill.He caught a cold.?

A?stood B?had C?became D?took

2?I was away yesterday and I didn't know what happened.?

A?leaving B?out C?outside D?not there

3?Now a few students in our class are weak in maths.?

A?good at B?not careful with C?not good at D?not strong in

4?When I reached the railway station,the train had been away for half an hour.

A?went B?got C?arrived D?got to

5?The girls had a good time in the park yesterday evening.?

A?liked the place B?had a good place C?enjoyed themselves D?danced there

6?The doctor is in a white coat today.?

A?having on B?wearing C?having D?taking

7?It's time for class.Let's go right away.

?A?on time B?in time C?at first D?at once

8?We have a lot of work to do this week.?

A?lots B?many C?much D?more

9?The two men come from Canada.?

A?All B?Both of the C?This D?That

10.How about going out for a dinner??

A?How do you think B?Do you enjoy C?What about D?Do you like

11.We have to wait for the train hour after hour.

A?for two hours B?for many hours C?for a while D.more than one hour

12.The bird is no longer living.?

A?die B?dead C?free D?asleep

13.The boys rushed out of the room.?

A?moved carefully B?ran quickly C?ran quietly D?walked freely

14.Please tell him to come home as soon as possible.?

A?very quickly ?B?very fast?C?much faster??very soon

15.It's not far.We often walk home.

A?hurry home ?B?stay at home ?C?go home on foot ?D?drive home






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