71. He has many t________ on how to finish the work well.
72. R________ the letter from John in America made me happy.
73. There is a s________ in England: It’s the thought that counts.
74. Many ads are a________ specifically at teenagers.
75. In Japan, it’s rude to p________ at anyone with your chopsticks.
76. People in Japan and America b________ differently at the dinner table.
77. If you go to a city on vacation, you’d better buy a travel g________.
78. Hangzhou is the c________ of Zhejiang province.
79. The professor is studying both ancient and m________ history.
80. It’s best to water plants either e________ in the morning or late at night.
广告无处不在,有些人对广告持赞成态度,有些人认为广告有太多弊端,对此你有什么看法?请你参照表内所提供的信息,写一篇英语短文,并请你说明你自己的观点,至少2条。(80 字左右)
Some people’s ideas Other people’s ideas Your opinions
1. know some information about new products 1. don’t tell the truth
2. compare two different products 2. the quality of the product is not good
3. save money 3. the picture in an ad looks a lot better than…
Recently we have had a discussion about the pros and cons of advertising. ________________
1. W: Hello, Rick! What a nice day! Let’s play basketball!
M: That sounds good! That’s my favorite.
2. W: What good weather!
M: Yeah! It is sunny these days. But the radio says it will be rainy this May Day.
3. W: Sam, you look tired today. What’s up?
M: Oh, I had too much homework to do last night. I finished it at 11 o’clock. And when I went to bed, it was 12 o’clock.
4. W: Hi, David! Could you lend me the camera?
M: I’d love to, Alice, but it’s Jane’s.
W: Well, I’ll borrow one fr om Mary.
5. W: Nice to see you again, Frank. I hope you feel better.
M: I’m fine now. But my work is too much for me. And I’m afraid I will be back in hospital soon again.
W: Good morning, sir. I’d like to buy three tickets for the beauty show on the 28th.
M: Sorry. But the beauty show is on the 30th.
W: I read about it on today’s newspaper. I’m sure the beauty show is on the 28th.
M: Sorry. There is a big concert on the 28th, while the beauty show is on the 30th. And there is only standing-seats left.
W: That’s all right. I’d like to have three.
M: OK. It sells for 20 dollars each.
W: Here is a 100 note.
M: Thanks you. Here are your tickets and change.
W: Come in, please.
M: Hello, Kate. Where’s Jane? I need her to type this letter for me.
W: Sorry, Tom. But she isn’t working today.
M: Oh, why? Is she ill?
W: No, she is studying for an exam.
M: An exam? Is she going to school?
W: Yes, she is. She is learning Japanese in a night school.
M: I see. Are you learning Japanese in a night school, too?
W: No, I’m not, not this year. But I’m thinking about taking a course next year.
M: That’s a good idea. Is it expensive?
W: No, not very. Anyway, it’s worth the money.
三、听独白, 回答问题
We all know that most of the teachers’ work is done with the students. But teachers often need to meet a lot of parents, too. Now Mrs White, head of a high school, will introduce some of her work to us. When you are listening, please pay attention to the numbers of parents who come to school in October, March and May, and then mark the right numbers in the picture on your paper. The following is her statement. Please listen carefully.
Every year, we meet a number of parents. The numbers are different from month to month. The busy months are October, March and May. September is the beginning of a new school year, few parents come in. October begins to bring many problems caused by some students. 50 parents are called in. I n November, the number goes down. December is a quiet month. Some parents want to come in. But they decide to wait until after New Year’s Day. In March, the number goes high again. It’s about 55. It is their children’s bad marks that bring them to school. May is always the year’s busiest month. About 60 parents will be called in. That’s when parents begin to worry that thei r children may be asked to stay in the same grade again. They come in to see if anything can be done before things are decided in June.
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