27.刘伟,无臂钢琴演奏者。他十岁时在一次意外中失去双臂,但他并没有放弃成为一名钢琴家的梦想。经过刻苦用脚练习弹琴,他最终在“中国达人秀”(China’s Got Talent)的舞台上实现了自己的梦想。请根据以上内容写一篇英语短文。
Liu Wei, an armless piano player, has a very special experience.
Jim 以前很忙,没有时间玩,想去北京旅游放松一下,并且学习更多中国历史。
Amy 对电脑感兴趣,考完试后去学习电脑, 这样能在电脑上做很多事情。
You ……
提示词:used to travel learn more about… after the exam hope
请以“My dream”为题写一篇英语作文,供英语课上交流。
Dream I want to
Reasons be interested in
Ways to achieves my dream work hard at school
find out how successful people did it
30.埃及千年神庙惊现中文涂鸦“丁 ××到此一游”。此事曝光后,引起国内外广泛关注,某国外英语网站就此发起讨论。请你以一名中国中学生(网名Whitecloud) 的身份,跟帖发表自己的看法。
2. 发表看法;
3. 你的行动
1. 词数:80词左右, 开头已给出,不计入总词数。
2. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。
31.据报道,从2011年开始上海、宁波等地个别学校进行了电子书包试点。这是否预示电子书将全面推广?它对学生的学习会有什么影响?就此,你班同学发起了一次主题为“E-Books, Good or Bad?”的讨论,假如你叫陈华,请你给某英文报社写一封信,介绍一下讨论的情况及你自己的观点。
赞成 反对
环保,节约纸张,不会过多砍伐树木 长时间使用对眼睛有害
美观、小巧,便于携带,便于查找资料 不能直接在书上做笔记
可以在无光的环境下阅读 被一些学生用来玩游戏
Dear Editor,
I’m writing to tell you about a discussion we’ve had about whether e-books are good or bad?___________________________________________________________________________
Yours truely,
Chen Hua
假如你叫刘明,你班进行了“Is daily homework necessary?” 的分组讨论,你代表第五小组,向全班用英语汇报讨论结果。请你根据提示和要求,完成汇报稿。
Is daily homework necessary?
Different students have different ideas.
三分之二的学生同意 有助于理解,熟能生巧。
三分之一的学生不同意 业余爱好时间少,疲劳,学习兴趣降低。
注意: 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名。
1.影片由李安(Ang Lee)执导, 他因此片获最佳导演奖。
3. 他要应付恶劣的天气,还要找到足够的食物,最终安全返回。
2. 第4要点的内容须用2-3句话展开合理想象,作适当发挥。
在校时间 作业时限 假日安排 课外活动
过 去 …… …… 周末和节假日补课 少而乏味
现 在 不超过7个半小时 不超过1个半小时 不补课,做自己喜欢做的事。 丰富多彩,如:郊游,文体活动,做家务等。
你的看法 ……
4.参考词汇:have extra classes,after-school activities, few and boring, colorful.
Great changes have taken place since the government of Liaoning did something to reduce the students’ studying pressure.
交通工具 飞机 火车
价 格 1200元 550元
旅游时间 2小时 23小时
优 点 舒适…… 便宜,可以观光views
缺 点 …… 耗时,拥挤,疲劳
Dear Andrew,
Xiao Li
Good Ways to Keep Healthy
It is very important for us to keep healthy. But do you know the ways to keep us healthy?
First, we need to have healthy eating habits, we can eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit, but we’d better eat less meat. Different kinds of foods are necessary, it’s also important to eat a balanced diet.
Then, playing sports every day can also help us keep fit. We can take walks after dinner, we can walk to school instead of taking a bus, after school we can spend hours playing basketball or soccer with our friends. We should try to do more exercise every day.
Happiness is another way to keep healthy. When we are lonely or unhappy, try to make friends, it is a good way to keep us happy. If you smile often, you also feel happy. So, be happy to be healthy. (127words)
Good morning, everyone! Let me introduce myself first. My name is Li Ming, a student from Class One, Grade Nine, Hongxing Middle School. Yesterday afternoon, the student on duty said he had to see the doctor. I offered to do the cleaning for him. Later I found him playing basketball on the playground. I was quite unhappy. He didn’t tell the lie. I would do the duty for him if he asked.
As students, we should always tell the truth even if others might not agree with us. When others tell lies, we’d better make them understand that honesty is the best policy.
That’s all. Thank you. (95 words)
Good morning, everyone! Let me introduce myself first.My name is Li Ming, a student from Class One, Grade Nine, Hongxing Middle School. Last year, I received a chain letter saying that only kind people could receive the letter. If I sent if to as many people as possible, I would get good luck. But if I didn’t , I would die the next day. I was so scared that I sent it to some of my friends.
As students, we shouldn’t forward such chain letters. If we don’t know how to deal with them, we’d better ask our teachers or parents for help.
That’s all. Thank you.(95 words)
Good morning, everyone! Let me introduce myself first.My name is Li Ming, a student from Class One, Grade Nine, Hongxing Middle School. I heard a rumor of the same kind this year. It is said that a Chinese medicine called Banlangen could kill the flu of H7N9 or some diseases like that. So it was sold out in our city very soon. I thought it was so silly and I didn’t believe it at all. I would rather ask the doctor for advice than buy the medicine.
As students, we should keep calm when we face such rumors. Besides, we shouldn’t believe or spread them.
That’s all. Thank you.(98 words)
Here is my advice:
The right thing to do
1. Listen attentively in class, finish your homework on time.
2. Take part in the physical activity for at least two times a week;
3. Get on well with your classmates;
4. Have a good rest over the weekend;
5. Do something you like;
6. You can read some good books.
Should not be doing
1. Don't quarrel with your parents;
2. On the weekend, don't take too many courses;
3. Don't spend too much time on the Internet, playing video games.
I think you’d better communicate with parents, teachers at ordinary times;
Most students believe that the life in school is colorful and interesting. However, there are still some students feeling tired of learning both in cities and countries.
Concerning the problem, the reasons are listed below. To begin with, they dislike the way that their teachers show. Besides, there is a lot of homework to do so they are stressed out. In addition, they feel bored about the courses.
From my point of view, students should be focused on study. As the saying goes “Study hard and you will make progress.”
Concerning the problem, the reasons are listed below. To begin with, they dislike the way that their teachers show. Besides, there is a lot of homework to do so they are stressed out. In addition, they feel bored about the courses.
From my point of view, students should be focused on study. As the saying goes “Study hard and you will make progress.”
Last Saturday evening, all my family had dinner in a restaurant. We were enjoying ourselves when something disturbing happened. A group of young people were sitting at the table nearby. While they were eating their food, they talked loudly and smoked cigarettes, making the restaurant full of noise and smoke. I tried to stop them doing so, but they refused to listen to me. Instead, they said it was none of my business and laughed at me.
In fact, what they did upset me deeply, but I was proud of what I did. In my opinion, one should keep quite and not affect others when in public. Therefore it’s completely bad behavior to do that in the restaurant. What’s more, we should always watch our manners and pay attention to public morality, as young people are the future of Tianjin.
Wang Hong is a friendly girl and has a lot of hobbies. She often helps her parents with the housework. It’s her birthday this Saturday. Many classmates will go to her home for her birthday party. Some of them will ask their parents for some money to buy her gifts. But I don’t think it’s a good idea, because that’ll cost our parents’ money. I’m going to make a birthday card for her by myself. I’m sure she’ll like it.
I am very interested in designing clothes . As we all known , some good cloth can make you look like beautiful . But different people should be wearing different styles
. In my opinion the youth should be wearing light to show he is full of energy and lively.the adult should be wearing the firm in order to show he is a successful man . Finally the old should be wearing the deep color cloth . So if you wear clothes in suitable ways you will become more beautiful
One possible version:
Research has shown that music has an important effect on one’s moods. So people use different kinds of music to change moods. If you feel stressed and worry a lot, you can listen to pop music. After you listen to it, you will feel relaxed. Some of the students are crazy about computer games and feel over excited, they can listen to country music. After listening to it, they will feel calm and peaceful. Some people feel tired and sleepy, they can listen to rock music. After they listen to it, they will feel excited. Sometimes I feel lonely and sad, I often listen to disco music, after I listen to it, I feel happy again. Music is so wonderful. I like it very much.
Walking to school is a wonderful way to exercise. I think it’s good for health and it’s safe. When we walk with our classmates, we can talk about something interesting and know each other better. Also, we can help each other. What’s more,if we walk, our parents don’t have to send us to school. We can learn to look after ourselves. As a result, there will be fewer cars in the city. Then the streets are no longer crowded. I hope more and more students will go to school on foot.
A Wonderful English Party
Hi! My name is Wang Ming. I’m a student of Class One, Grade Seven. Last Friday evening we had an English party, it was wonderful.
At the party, we had a good time. Li Lei sang some songs, Lin Tao danced to disco. Mary performed ballet, and my friend Kangkang performed Chinese Kong Fu. Michael performed magic tricks. My teachers came to our party, too. Mr. Wang sang an English song, and my Chinese teacher recited a Chinese poem. We played the musical Chairs game, too. Everyone was happy.
We had a good time, we enjoyed ourselves very much.
One possible version
Reading Makes a Full Man
Reading is very important in our life. We can get knowledge through reading. It can not only open our minds but also make us more intelligent. Besides, reading is also one of the most important ways to learn a foreign language like English.
Textbooks, newspapers, magazines and other kinds of reading materials can help us know more about the outside world and help us grow into an excellent person.
I’m planning to read at least 5 books in the coming holiday. And I’ll spend more time reading every day in my senior high school life. Reading makes a full man! Let’s start reading now.
How to keep safe?
As teenagers, we should always keep safety in mind. But how can we keep safe? Here are some
of my suggestions. First, we should be careful when we make friends, especially on line. Second, if we are in danger, we must call the police for help in time so that we can keep ourselves safe. Also,we ought to eat healthily and safely. Eating food that goes bad will do harm to our health. Last but not least, summer is coming, and we must remember it's dangerous to swim in the river. In short, safety must come first !
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