



1. Luckily, they ___    _ (not trap)in the accident.

2. He has trouble __    ___ (get) the driver’s license.

3. A survey __   ___ (do ) in October on English studying.

4. The guy will a deep ___   __ (interested)in mountain climbing.

5. His will __   ____ (survive) saved him again.

6. --Have you been to Hongkong?

--Yes, I __  ___ (go ) there last year.

7. Making good ___   __ (decide )is important.

8. Put it under ___  ___ ( run) water.

9. She was also told ____   _ (not do )P.E. for six weeks.

10. My mother often burned ____   _ (she ) while cooking.



What’s wrong with you ? I _____ ______ ______ and now I’m ____  ____  ____ .


_____ __________ _____, he _____ __________ _____ his bike.


I ____  _____  __________ _____I was cooking.


The headmaster _____ __________ _____this ,our school __________ _____ the best record.

5.15% 的学生从未出过事故。

15% of the students have never _____  ______  _________ _______.


The doctor asked me to ____ _____ _______ _______ and he ____ _____ _____ _____it.


_____ _____ _________ ______ is  important when an accident happens.


_____ _____ _____ _____save his ______ _____life , he _____ _______ _____his arm.


A: Hi, Tom. Why can’t you do P.E today?

B:    1  ?

A: I see.   2  .

B : I fell off my bike.

A : Sorry to hear that.    3   .

B :Yes. I went to the clinic yesterday, the X-ray showed that my arm was not serious.

A : OK.   4   .

B : Because I’m afraid I’ll miss more lessons and I’ll be left behind.

A : Don’t worry. Just take care of yourself   5   .

B : Thank you .

1._____              ___  2. ____         ____  3. ___           _____  4. ____                ____ 5. ___               _____


It was December25,1972, Marie Orr, a 13-year-old Australian girl, was happy. It was C  1    and Marie’s mother made an unusual cake. She put four small coins into the c  2    . The four small coins were for good luck. After dinner Marie and her family ate the cake.When they f    3  the cake, there were three coins on the table. One coin was m   4   . Marie’s mother didn’t notice.

After Christmas Marie got i  5    . She coughed and couldn’t speak. Six weeks later she felt better, but she s  6   couldn’t speak.So Marie went to hospital.Doctor in the hospital looked at Marie.They took an X  7  . Marie’s mother asked the doctor, “ Why can’t Marie talk?” The doctors said, “We don’t know. Maybe she will speak again. Maybe she won’t. We’re sorry,but we can’t help her.”

For twelve years Marie didn’t speak. She grew up and got a job. But she never speaks.One day when Marie was 25 years old, she got ill. She began to cough. She coughed up a lot of b  8  . She also coughed up s  9   small and black from her

t  10  . What was it ? Marie didn’t know.She took it to the hospital. A doctor said,“This is a coin.” The doctor told Marie,“I think you can speak again.”Soon Marie began talking.

1. ______    2. ______    3. ______    4. ______    5. ______

6. ______    7. ______    8. ______    9. ______   10. ______



Saturday , June 5th , 2006

Early in the morning, Mum and Dad went out to visit their friends. Only grandpa and I stayed at home. Suddenly Grandpa fell down and






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