( )5.A lot of boys and girls are _________.
A.in the park B.on the hill C.in the tree D.by the lake
It’s Friday afternoon.The air is nice and clean.The students of Class One and Class Two are in the playground.The boys of Class Two are playing ball games.The girls of Class two are watching the games.
The playground is big.There’s a Chinese slogan(标语)”on the wall.The students of
Class One are jumping and running near the wall.The teachers of Class One are running with them.
( )6.Where are the students of C1ass One and Class Two?
A.In the classroom. B.In the playground.
C.In the park. D.At home.
( )7.The boys of Class Two________on a Friday afternoon.
A.are running B.are jumping
C.are playing ball games D.are having a class
( )8.The girls of Class Two are_________.
A.singing B.watching TV
C.watching the boys playing ball games D.dancing
( )9.What’s on the wall of the playground?
A.A blackboard. B.A slogan. C.A big clock. D.A map.
( )10.What are the teachers of Class One doing? They are_________.
A.running B.jumping C.walking D.A and B
Mr. Smith and his son Yoke rent(租)a boat from Mr. Green.They start to fish but get nothing.They find another(另一个)place to fish and catch(捉)a lot of fish.Now it is late and they are going back home.
Yoke says,“I am going to come here again tomorrow.”“Yes,I'm coming with you,
too.”says his father.“But how can we find r the same place again?”“I think that’s easy,”
Yoke says,“Look! I can make a mark(标记)on the side(边)of the boat.”
His father laughs and says,“No.That’s foolish(愚蠢的)! Mr. Green doesn’t give us
the same boat every time.”
( )11.What does Mr Green rent to Mr Smith?
A.Fish. B.A car. C.A bus. D.A boat.
( )12.Do they catch a lot of fish at first?
A.No,they don’t. B.Yes,they do. C.Yes,he does.D.No,he doesn’t.
( )13.Yoke wants to ________to find the same place.
A.rent the same boat B.make a mark in the car
C.make a mark on the boat D.go fishing
( )14.Who is foolish?
A.Mr. Green B.Yoke. C.Mr. Smith. D.B and C.
( )15.Which is NOT true?
A.Mr. Smith rent a boat from Mr. Green.
B.They catch lots of fish at last.
C.They will come to fish in the same place again.
D.Both of them.think they can find the same place to fish in the same boat.
四、根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式 (每小题1分,共10分)
1.Shall we meet at the school gate at a_____________(一刻钟)past two tomorrow afternoon?
2.My mother always______________ (叫醒)me up at 6:00 every morning.
3.I like history but dislike________________ (生物).
4.One of the________________ (理由)is the bad weather.
5.Is swimming one of your_________________(业余爱好)?
6.Today is Children’s Day, students are ____________(real) happy.
7.Parents should know how ____________(look) after their children.
8.---____________ everyone ____________(study) hard in your school? ---Yes, they do.
9.Jordan is one of his favourite basketball (play)
10.This is our English lesson. (one)
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