


(  )53. The Marina Bay Sands may open in the year of ________.

A. 2007     B. 2008    C. 2009    D. 2010

(  )54. We know ________ kinds of interesting places in Resorts World from the passage.

A. two      B. three     C. four     D. five

(  )55. Which is the right order according to the time they open?

a. The Marina Bay Sands    b. Resorts World

c. Top Car Race      d. The Singapore Flyer

A. d-c-a-b      B. d-a-b-c     C. a-b-d-c     D. d-a-b-c


Zhang Qian was an early traveler. He was probably the first man to bring back good information about the central Asian lands to China.

In 138 BC, Han Wudi sent Zhang Qian to the Yue-chi people to ask for their help against the Xiongnu. Unfortunately, on the way to West Regions, he was caught by the Xiongnu people. Zhang had to stay with them for about 10 years before he got away. When Zhang at last reached the Yue-chi in Northern India, he was disappointed to find that they didn’t want to fight against the Xiongnu people.

On his return journey(旅程), Zhang Qian and his men were again caught. It was not until 125 BC that they returned to China. Although Zhang didn’t finish his job he learned a lot about the places, people, customs and cultures of the 36 kingdoms (王国) of Western Regions.

Han Wudi then sent Zhang to the west again. Zhang's journey to the west helped with international trade, especially in silk, between China and the West.

(  ) 56. Zhang Qian was sent to the West because ___________.

A. Han Wudi wanted to make friends with the Xiongnu people

B. he liked travelling all over the world too much

C. Han Wudi needed the help from the Yue-chi people

D. he hoped to learn the cultures of other countries

(  ) 57. What do the underlined words “West Regions” mean in Chinese?

A. 西欧        B. 西域          C. 西亚       D. 西方

(  )58. When did Zhang Qiang reach the Yue-chi?

A. In 138 BC.          B. In about 148 BC.

C. In about 128 BC.         D. In 125 BC.

(  )59. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Zhang finished his job successfully in the end.

B. Zhang did not return at last because he was caught.

C. Zhang returned to China in about 125 AD.

D. Zhang learned a lot about the West Regions.

(  )60. How many times has Zhang Qian been to the west?

A. Only once.   B. Twice.        C. Three times.           D. Four times.


News 1 A

Taiwan’s actress Lin Chi-ling won the Asia Star Award at the 2009 Asia Model Festival Awards (AMFA) in Seoul (首尔) on January 15, 2009.

News 2

Forty-six ships had a big party in Qingdao on April 23, 2009. They came from 15 countries around the world. They came for the birthday party of the Chinese navy. The Chinese navy is 60 years old! The Chinese ships and weapons are all the work of Chinese engineers. The Chinese navy had 26 ships at the beginning. There are more than 200 ships now.

News 3

CHENGDU, Sichuan, May 11—On Monday, Hong Kong movie star Jackie Chan came to Beichuan Middle School. He joined the students who survived(幸存) last year’s earthquake, singing with them to help the teenagers on the day before the quake’s anniversary(周年纪念). Chan opened a national flag covering 5,000 square meters on the school playground.

More than 1,000 students and teachers of the school were dead or missing in the earthquake on May 12 last year. The new school will begin to be rebuilt with the money from all over the world on Tuesday.

(  ) 61. The 2009 Asia Model Festival Awards were held in    .

A. Seoul              B. Taiwan

C. Qingdao            D. Sichuan

(  ) 62. When was the Chinese navy founded?

A. On January 15, 2009.

B. On April 23, 2009.

C. On April 23, 1949.

D. On May 11, 2008.

(  ) 63. Jackie Chan came to Beichuan to    .

A. go sightseeing

B. take part in the quake’s anniversary

C. make a film

D. play with the children

(  ) 64.     students and teachers of Beichuan Middle School were dead or missing in the May12th earthquake last year.

A. Over 1, 000         B. Less than 1, 000

C. More than 5, 000     D. At most 5, 000

(  ) 65. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Lin Chi-ling, a Korean actress, won the Asia Star Award.

B. 200 ships celebrated the birthday of the Chinese navy.

C. The Chinese ships and weapons were made by Chinese engineers.

D. Beichuan Middle School will be rebuilt next year.

VIII: 补全对话,根据对话内容,从方框内选择合适的句子补全对话。(有两项多余)

A. But we are old enough.

B. I think your mother is right.

C. Wow, how kind your father is!

D. What rules do you have at home?

E. Well, sometimes our parents don’t understand us.

F. My father doesn’t allow me to go out on weekends.

G. My parents don’t allow me to make friends with any boys, either.

A; Hi, Wang Li! You look unhappy. What’s wrong?

B: (66)

A: I don’t think that’s a good idea. We need to spend time with friends.

B: That’s right. (67)

A: Really? But my father asks me to make friends with all of my classmates.

B: (68)

A: But my mother doesn’t let me play computer games for long.

B: (69)      We mustn’t spend too much time playing computer games.

A: (70)

B: You are right. I think we need to talk to our parents and make them understand us.

Ⅸ 任务型阅读(5分)


71.It's never too late to learn.

72.A crane standing amidst a flock of chickens.

73. The early bird catches the  worm.

74. Play a harp before  a  cow.

75. A book holds a house of gold.

A. This proverb means that you do something useless.

B. This proverb means that someone is the best of all.

C. This proverb means that if you study hard, you will succeed.

D. This proverb means that there’re many things to learn no matter how old you are..

E. This proverb means that if you do something early or before others, you will have more chances and be successful.

71.           72.          73.           74.          75.

Ⅹ 词汇运用(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)


76.Because of the right _________ (决定), the doctors saved his father successfully.

77 He was so sad at the bad news that he could _________(几乎不) say a word.

78. The girl has a beautiful _____________( 声音)

79.Please __________ (发…音) correctly (正确地),or I can’t understand you

80. The photos are very nice. When did you have them ________ (拍)?


81. He’s unhappy because of his little dog’s d__________.

82. The reason why he was away was not m___________ in the text.

83. We must keep the s           between you and me. Don’t let others know them.

84. Paris is one of the l___________ cities in Europe.

85. Students are often a__________ while having classes in the hot afternoon


上周,你班以“告别陋习,走向文明”为主题进行了一次班会活动。通过活动,同学们收获很大,尤其是李华同学进步最快。请你根据表格内容以“Li Hua’s Changes”写一篇关于李华!的短文;倡导大家都向李华同学学习。

要求:  1.语句通顺,语法正确,字数80词左右。


过去表现 现在表现

经常上学迟到 准时到校

乱扔垃圾 帮助清洁校园

经常玩电脑游戏 积极参加学校的各种活动

经常不完成作业 上课认真,作业认真

不爱和同学说话 与别人相处融洽


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