


二 听对话和短文回答问题。(计10分)你将听到两段对话和一篇短文,各听两遍。在听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,你仍有5秒钟的时间在屏幕上点击你认为最合适的备选答案。


(      ) 11.Where are they going to meet?

A. In Kate’s home.         B. In Li Lei’s home.C. At the bus stop.

(      ) 12. What are they going to do before they go to the zoo?

A. See some flowers.       B. Boat.                  C. See some animals.


Name Mark Spitz

By the age of 10 Spitz held 17 national age-group records and set ___13____ world reco


Honours  The world’s best 10-and-under and the greatest swimmer of all time.

In the 1972 Olympics He became the first athlete to win_______14_______ in an Olympics.

Spare time He often _______15_________________.

(      ) 13. A. running. B. jumping.C .swimming.

(      ) 14. A. seven gold medals.B. five gold medals.C. six gold medals.

(      ) 15. A. goes sailing and travelling.   B. goes swimming and skating.

C. goes hiking and cycling


( B     ) 16.What does Steve do in the factory?

A. A worker.           B. An engineer.       C. A manager.

(       ) 17. How does he go to work?

A. On foot.              B. By bus.           C. By train.

(      ) 18. How does he spend his time on the way?

A. Reading newspaper.     B. Reading novels.    C. Chatting with someone else.

(       ) 19. Why was he late for work one Thursday?

A. He woke up late.        B. He forgot to get off at the right station.

C. He deserved to be late.

(       ) 20. How did the boss treat him for his being late?

A. The boss encouraged him to carry on his work.

B. The boss shouted to him angrily.

C. The boss said nothing to him.


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