


要学好知识并不难,只有多多积累,多多练习,大家一定会成功的。这篇拉萨2014年中考英语冲刺试题演练由威廉希尔app 带给大家,欢迎大家阅读。



( )1.A .Would you like some more drink?

B . Would you like to have some drink?

C . Would you like something to drink?

D . Would you like some more milk?

( )2. A .My father’s car number is G67885.

B . My father’s car number is J68875.

C . My father’s car number is D697785.

D . My father’s car number is B698875.

( )3.A .Let’s put these books in the box.

B .Don’t put these books in the box.

C . I want to put these books in the box.

D .I can’t put these books in the box.

( )4.A .Tom has turned his MP3 on.

B . Tom has turned his MP3 down.

C . Tom has turned his MP3 off.

D . Tom has taken his MP3 off.

( )5.A . This isn’t his mobile phone. He left his in the office.

B . This is his mobile phone. I left mine in the office.

C . This isn’t her mobile phone. Hers was left in the office.

D . This is her mobile phone. Hers was right in the office.


( )6.A .She has to go to see the doctor.

B .She doesn’t know where the cinema is.

C .She doesn’t like seeing the film.

( )7. A . In the post office B .In the library. C . On the train.

( )8. A . For 4 days. B . For 3 days. C . For 2 days.

( )9. A . He was turning on the light.

B . He was looking for the light.

C . He was reading in poor light.

( )10. A .Their favourite food.

B .The radio programme.

C . The weather.


( )11.A. The factory B. The far m

C. The school D. The village.

( )12. A. She did housework. B. She helped the farmers.

C. She cooked the super. D. She mended the car.

( )13. A. More than twenty animals. B.About ten.

C. Less than thirty animals D. Only one.

( )14. A. Yes, she has. B.No, she hasn’t.

C. Yes, she has. D. No, she doesn’t.

( )15. A. At about seven o’clock.

B. At about five o’clock.

C. At half past six.

D. In the middle of the day.


( )16. A. University B. the USA C. the UK D.School

( )17. A. by air B.by boat C. on foot D.by bike

( )18. A. a farmer B. a student C. a scientist D. a teacher

( )19. A. history and geography B. history and maths

C. history ,geography and science D.we don’t know

( )20. A. the farmer. B. the scientis t C. the teacher D. No one.


( )21. Forests help to keep water from running away,so ______ /draut/does not often happen.

A. drought B. drout C. dought D.drougt

( )22. In this way ,floods are _______/pri’ventid/.

A. preventd B. prevented C. privented D. preveted

( )23. Those mountains will be ____/kΛvəd/with trees.

A. covered B. coved C. cavered D. cevered

( )24. The car is ____ /wə:Ө/more than two million yuan in China

A. worse B. worth C. world D.worst

( )25. The detective is sure that it is the bird to _____/sti:l/her necklace A. still B. steal C. steals D.stole


( )26. We can get wool and mutton from _____sheep.

A. a B. the C. an D. /

( )27. Here are my shoes. ____ are under his bed.

A. Their B. Her C. Your D. His

( )28. He was ____ tired ____ he could not go on walking

A. too ,to B. such ,that C. so ,that D. too , that

( )29. How long have you ____? A. joined the team B. become a team member.

C. been in the team D.left the team

( )30. The old man has ____ friends, so he often feels lonely.

A. a few B. a little C.few D. little

( )31. Tom did badly in the sports meeting . I did even ________worst

A. also B. more bad C. worse D. worst

( )32. She has never been to the city,______ she?

A. doesn’t B. does C. hasn’t D. has

( )33. You may do these exercises________ in class _______after class,but you must finish them this afternoon.

A. either ,or B.either ,nor C. neither ,nor D. neither ,or

( )34. When my sister phoned me ,I couldn’t hear clearly what she was_________.

A. saying B. speaking C. talking D. telling

( )35. ---Look! The dinosaurs’ eggs .

---So big! Do you know when they ________?

A.have been lain B. were lain

C. were lay D.were laid

( )36. How long can I ____the book?

A. borrow B. buy C. keep D.lend

( )37. ----Will you join us for lunch? ----_________

A.No, I won’t . B. Yes ,with pleasure .

C. Yes ,please . D. Yes ,help yourself.

( )38. There ______ an English party in our school this evening

A. has B. is going to have C. is going to be D. will have

( )39. ----Must trees be planted in spring?----No, they _______

A. must B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. can’t

( )40. ___useful work they have done!

A. What B. How C. What a D. What an

( )41. ---Would you mind __________ a few minutes?

----No, not at all.

A. wait B. to wait C. waited D. waiting

( )42. She has no paper_______

A. to write B. to write with C. to write on D.writing

( )43. They ____ in Beijing for two months and they _______ back to Shanghai

A. has gone, will travel B. have been , were traveling

C. have been , are traveling D. were, will travel

( )44. _____ books must be produced for the children

A. Many thousands B. Many thousands of

C. Many thousand of D. Many thousand

( )45. ---How hard she studies! ------________.

A. So she does B. So she is C. So I do D. So am I

( )46. Can you tell me _______?

A. where can I put my bike B. where my bike be put

C. where can my bike be put D. where my bike can be put

( )47. “No Smoking” means “You _______ smoke here.”

A.can’t B. needn’t C. won’t D.mustn’t

( )48.Listening to music _____ me too much time. From now on I won’t ______ much time on it.

A. costs, spend B. takes, pay C. spends ,take D. takes, spend

( )49.The doctor asked my father to _____ smoking to keep healthy.

A. open up B. give up C. put up D. make up

( )50.There are shops on _______ side of the street. _______ of them do not close until 12 o’clock at night.

A. both , All B. every , None C. either , Some D. other , Many


Radio and television 51__ very popular in the world today. 52_ of people watch TV. Perhaps 53__ people listen to the radio.

The TV is ,of course ,more useful than the radio. 54__ TV you can see and hear what is 55_in the world.

However ,radio is not disappearing .It is still with us. And 56_ of listeners is becoming larger. One reason for this is the invention of the transistor radio.

A transistor radio is 57_ very small. It is very easy to carry. You can put one in your pocket and listen to it on the bus or on your bike when you go to work. Besides, radios are better for blind people. The eyes of many old people are not 58__to watch TV. Then ,when people are working, they can’t watch TV, but they can listen to the music or the news 59_ the radio. What’s more, radio is 60_ cheaper than TV.

( )51. A . is B .are C . was D . will be

( )52.. A .Millions B . Million C . one million D . two million

( )53.. A .much B .much more C . many more D . a lot

( )54. A .In B .On C . Inside D . Around

( )55. A .happ ened B .going C . going about D .going on

( )56. A .the number B .a number C . number D . numbers

( )57. A .sometimes B . sometime C . some time D . so me times

( )58. A .enough good B .good enough C .enough well D .well enough

( )59. A .in B .from C . over D .into

( )60. A .very B .much C . more D .most



Dave was a college student. His uncle was very rich, but he had no child of his own. Soon after Dave left college, his uncle died .He left Dave a lot of money , so he decided to set up his own company.

He found a nice office , bought some new desks and chairs and moved in. He had only been there for a few hours when he heard someone coming towards his house.

“It’s my first customer !” he thought . He quickly picked up the telephone and pretended (假装)to be very busy answering an important call from someone in New York. The caller wanted to buy a big and expensive house in the country .

The man knocked at the door while this was going on, and he came in and waited politely for Dave to finish his conversation(谈话). Then he said to him , “I’m from the telephone company, and I was sent to fix your telephone.”

( ) 61. Dave could set up a company of his own because _______

A. he had made a lot of money

B. he got a lot of money

(1) he had borrowed a lot of money

D. His father left him a lot of money

( ) 62. Dave had been there for_____ when the man from the telephone company came .

A. almost a week B. two days C. a few hours D. a month

( ) 63 Why did Dave pick up his telephone when he heard someone coming?

A. Because someone called him from New York.

B. Because he wanted to let him know he was busy with his business.

C. Because he wanted to tell the telephone company that something was wrong with his telephone.

D. Because his uncle telephoned him at that time .

( ) 64.What did Dave’s company sell?

A. Colour TV sets B. Houses C. Clothes D. Computers

( ) 65.Could Dave receive(接到) a telephone call from New York before the man from the telephone company came ?

(2)No , he couldn’t

B. Of course, he could .

C.Yes , he could, but the voice wasn’t very clear

D. We don’t know.


Fast food chains(连锁) , American –style , are now on the increase(增加) all over the world. Most of these places work on a similar principle There is a long counter(柜台) , above which hangs a list (often with pictures) of the items they sell, and behind which several people (often students working for the lowest wage ) are working. Buyers from queues in front of each assistant. You receive what you order and take it on a tray to a table . If you can’t see any straws(吸管) , that’s because they are hiding in the straw machine that you have to push the bottom to get a straw.

When you’ve finished , you yourself throw away everything except the tray.

Many fast-food places have drive-in facilities(设施). You place your order from your car through a microphone and then drive round to a special window to pay and pick it up . You may even find places where a waitress bring your meal out ,and you sit and eat in the car from a tray hooked over the door through the open window.

( ) 66. What is the wage about the waitress working in the fast food shops ?

A. We don’t know. B. Very high C. Very low . D. Normal.

( ) 67. When you go to these fast food shops, how can you eat ?

A. Using knives and forks.

B. The waiter will give you the menu .

C. You will have to carry the food on the tray to the table .

D. Sitting at the table and waiting for the food.

( ) 68. According to the passage , these fast food shops are usually quite _____

A. similar B. different C. very popular D. not expensive

( ) 69. What is a tray ?

A. Something you can eat.

B. Something you can drink.

C. Something you throw away.

D. Something used for carrying things.

( ) 70.If you are driving your car, how can you have your fast food ?

A. Stopping the car and going to the restaurant.

B. Having it at home.

C. Having it in the office.

D. Having it at fast-food places with drive-in facilities.


Ruby , the artist , is an Asian elephant . She is 17 years old. She lives in the zoo. Ruby has produced about 100 paintings since last year. She has made more than $40,000 for the zoo. Zoo leaders say Ruby first showed the talent(才能) about four years ago. Zoo workers watched her make the marks (线条)in the sand with her trunk象鼻). She rubbed(擦掉) out the marks, then made the new ones. The zoo worker gave her brushes and paints(颜料). Soon Ruby was painting pictures. Newspaper reporters wrote about Ruby, then people asked about buying her pictures. And in this way she made a lot of money for the zoo by painting.

This is how Ruby does the paintings. A zoo worker hold different colour paints. Ruby touches the colours she wants. Then the worker gives her brushes with the chosen colours in her trunk and Ruby begins painting.

( ) 71. We can most probably read this story in ______

A. a dictionary of the world of animals

B. newspapers C. a book on art D. history textbooks

( ) 72. Ruby first learned to draw pictures______

A. when it was very young

B. with brushes and paints

C. to sell them to the people

D. in the sand with her trunk

( ) 73. People asked about buying Ruby ’s pictures because______

A. newspaper reporters bought her pictures

B. her pictures were better than those of real artists

C. they just wanted to have fun

D. zoo workers would let them have a free visit to the park

( ) 74. Ruby rubbed out the marks she had drawn in order to ____

A. made other ones B. clean her trunk

C. dig a hole in the sand D. ask for brushes and paints

( ) 75. From the story we can know that _____

A. Ruby can paint a picture all by itself.

B. Ruby can draw better pictures than the other animals in the zoo.

C. Ruby has to finish a painting with the help of zoo workers

(2) Ruby will ask for money if she finishes a picture


Channel 1 Channel 2

18:00 Around China

18:30 Children’s programme

19:00 News

19:30 Weather report

19:40 Around the world

20:10 TV play :Sisters

21:00 English for today

21:15 Popular music

21:55 Talk show

17:45 Computers today

18:10 Foreign arts

18:30 English classroom

19:00 Animal world

19:25 China’s 99

20:20 Sports

21:00 TV play : Guo Lanying

21:45 English news

22:06 On TV next week

( ) 76. If you want to watch a football game ,the best programme for you would be ______

A. TV play B. Sports C. Around the world D. Talk show

( ) 77. The programme of ____ will let you know much about western(西方的) countries.

A. Sisters B. Around China

C. Around the world D. On TV next week

( ) 78. If you want to know something about tigers, elephants and monkeys, the best programme for you is _____

A. Around China B. Animal world

C. TV play D. Foreign arts

( ) 79. English classroom is a programme that ____

A. lets you know something about classrooms

B. tells you something about students

C. lets you know something about school life

D. teaches you English

( ) 80. The programme at the end of Channel 2 means _____ on TV next week

A. news B. programmes C. people D. places

第II卷(非选择题 共40分 )



“Please read me a story ,Grandpa ” said Ana. Grandpa then began (81)_______( read ) a story----The three little pigs. “I (82)______( hear) before. “Please read me another one .” Grandpa then read her a new one.

“How do you like the story?”(83)_______(ask) Grandpa. But Ana (84)________ (not answer) her Grandpa. Grandpa looked at Ana and found she (85)_______(sleep) there.


The day before yesterday , I met Zhang Hua when I (86) _______ (do) shopping in the street . We (87) _________ (not see) each other for a long time. We talked and (88)_______(laugh) happily. I told him that I (89)________ (invite) to an important meeting and I (90)_______(go )to Beijing in two or three days.


91.She did very well in her English exam .(改为一般疑问句)

_______ she _______ very well in her English exam?

92. He has some bread for breakfast every morning. (改为否定句)

He _______ _______ _______ bread for breakfast every morning.

93.I have been to Beijing twice.(画线提问)

_______ _______ _______ have you been to Beijing ?

94. Were these machines invented by Edison ?(变主动语态)

_______ Edison _______ these machines ?

95.When I get th ere ,I’ll go to see him at once.(改为同义句)

I’ll go to see him_______ _______ _______ I get there.

96. I saw him come into the classroom. (变被动语态)

He _______ _______ _______ _______ into the classroom.

97.He likes the book. So does she. (改为简单句,句意不变)

_______he _______ she _______ the book.

VIII.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 (10分)


They are _______ _______ _______ _______ the exam .


_______ _______ _______ _______ friends with others.

100.我认为在短时间内学好英语是 不可能的。

I_______ _______ it _______ to learn English _______ _______ a short time.


The film _______ _______ Re Changxia is very _______.


We’d better _______ our _______ way and don’t ________ other people’s ______.





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