


威廉希尔app 作文频道为同学们搜集整理了关于拉萨中考英语试题完型填空,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!

二、完形填空(共l 5小题;每小题l分,满分l 5分)

Myfeelings about science have really changed. I never used to 16 science,but last year I changed schools, and the science 17 at my new school areexcellent. The science facilities (设备)are very 18 , with laboratories that have all the latest equipment. Ourchemistry teacher, Mr Longford, takes us to 19 science lectures (讲座) about four times a term, and theseare 20 very interesting, as the lecturers are people who have made realdiscoveries in 21 area of science. The fact is, Canada has 22first-class scientists. In the last twenty years, seven Canadian scientistshave 23 the Nobel Prize! The Nobel Prize is the highest scientificprize, so we should be very24of that.

I'mbecoming more and more interested 25 physics, and have decided that Iwant to 26 it at university. I'm going to try to go to 27 Montreal or OttawaUniversity, as both 28 supposed to have good Physics Departments. Myparents are quite29. They always thought I would becomean30teacher!

16. A. hateB. learnC. finishD. enjoy

17. A. helpersB. workersC. teachersD. students

18. A. goodB. differentC. usualD. simple

19. A. publicB. newColdD. little

20. A. sometimesB. seldomC. hardlyD. always

21. A. ourB. theirC. yourD. those

22. A. fewB. manyC. noD. enough

'23. A. seenB. lost'C. wonD. dreamed

24. A. afraidB. carefulC. shortD. proud

25. A. inB. withC. atD. from

26. A. makeB. discoverC. studyD. keep

27. A. neitherB. eitherC. bothD. only

28. A. haveB. hasC. areD. is

29. A. pleasedB. angryC. excitedD. surprised

30. A. mathsB. EnglishC. chemistryD. Chinese

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