


2015年山西中考英语考试已经结束,相信同学们都想知道自己的答题情况吧,威廉希尔app 提供了2015山西中考英语作文范文,希望对大家有用。


A possible version:

Dear Mr. Li,

My favorite class is an open and free class where I can learn by myself and discuss in groups, which is good for my development, I think.

I still remember an unforgettable experience in my maths class. Several days ago I spent a long time working on three maths problems in class, but they were too hard for me to work them out.So I had to ask my classmates for help. After a considerable discussion,we solved the

problems in our group. How excited I was!

Having such a great experience, I want to give two suggestions.Firstly,please don't teach us too much in class. We need about 30 minutes to learn by ourselves and work in groups every class.Secondly,please provide us with some laptops if possible,so we can surf the Internet easily. No doubt, we need an open and free class,you see.

That's all. Thank you.

Best wishes,

Zhang Hua

希望提供的2015山西中考英语作文范文能够满足大家的需求,我们会将2015年中考资讯及时发布请收藏威廉希尔app 并及时查看!

 威廉希尔app 2015年中考试题专题会第一时间为大家更新各省市2015年中考试题、2015年中考试题答案及解析,请大家及时查看。


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